Marvel Multiverse RPG Reveals Cover, Rules, & Characters

Assemble your game friends and check out new details from the upcoming Marvel Multiverse RPG. You might soon be a Spider-Man.
Superheroes and role-playing games go way waaay back. The long march through RPG history started off in fantasy. It then migrated quickly to sci-fi, took a detour into Westerns, then filtered out to superhero and spy fiction. Both genres found some pretty sizable hits– and the Marvel Multiverse RPG may join those ranks.
Marvel’s RPG History
Marvel’s first foray into the RPG field was one such hit. Marvel Super Heroes was a classic. It’s still referred to by the system it originated, ‘FASERIP’, which sounds an awful lot like face rip, and we’re pretty sure is intentional.
The system was so named for its seven different stats. Fighting, Agility, Strength, Endurance, Reason, Intuition, and Psyche.
Marvel loves acronyms. From S.H.I.EL.D. to S.W.O.R.D., Marvel loves to have a bunch of words that spell out a different word when you take the first letters of each of them and put ’em together.
In the upcoming game, Marvel has reached its truest form by becoming an acronym itself. How? Well the system uses the following stats: Might, Agility, Resilience, Vigilance, Ego, and Logic.
It also boasts what it calls the “d616 system”. Sadly, this is something of a misleading name, since the system won’t actually use a new dice.
All you people out there dreaming of a perfectly shaped polyhedron to shove in your cheeks chubby-bunny style will have to wait.
Marvel’s new RPG engine is a 3d6 system that rewards players for rolling a 6, 1, and another 6 on their three dice. All of this was revealed in the recent batch of monthly solicitations.
We got a release date for the upcoming Playtest Book (March 2022) as well as a look at the covers by Iban Coello, Logan Lubera (below), and Peach Momoko (above). The latter two are “direct market” special releases.
The book is aimed at newer RPG players. The full game will release with rules for creating your own super heroes. You can also find pre-generated versions of popular Marvel heroes including:
- Spider-Man
- Black Panther
- Captain America
- Thor
- Captain Marvel
- Ms. Marvel
- Wolverine
- Storm
All this due out early next year. So stay tuned.