‘Space Marine 2’ Brings Titus Back As A Primaris But Is He Still A Captain?

Space Marine 2 is bringing back Titus as a Primaris Marine. However, it doesn’t look like he’s still a Captain anymore.
Space Marine 2 has been announced. We’re about ready to hop on the Hype-Train, but before we do, we wanted to give that trailer another go. Plus, GW has a breakdown on some of the key elements. However we’re getting ahead of ourselves. Just enjoy the trailer again:
Space Marine Primaris Titus
“The story we’re telling centres on Titus, but it was very important for us to place our hero in an authentic Warhammer 40,000 setting.”
Alright, so from the trailer and the tidbit from the article, we know that our main protagonist is Titus from the first game. However, he’s got couple of notable things on his armor. First up, that helmet is painted like a Lieutenant. Notice the red and white striping.
That’s not a Captain’s Marking.
Also note that the WarCom article refers to him as just ‘Titus’ the entire time. He was definitely a Captain in the previous game. In fact, during the Video Game Awards 2021 show, they even refer to him as Captain Titus:
It’s at the 4:39:29-ish Mark. It’s linked to slightly before where they do the intros.
So what happened? That’s a great question and one that WarCom also noted:
“He’s aged, and he looks more determined than ever. Is he still a Captain? What about those chains on his right arm? We look forward to hearing everyone’s theories! “
He has aged. He’s now got 4 service studs in his forehead as opposed to the 2 he had in the previous game:
Golden Studs represent 100 years in the service of the Emperor. That means he’s been a marine for at least 400 years at this point! He’s also more clean shaven…but has some more scars to show for it. He’s also clearly been through the Primaris Protocol — you can tell from the armor.
Now…about that chain. Spoilers from the first game in coming. But at this point, it was a 10 year old game so I don’t feel too bad about it.
Anyhow, if you remember the ending, Titus gets hauled off by Inquisitor Thrax. And who’s helping him? A couple of Black Templars, of course!
Hopefully we’ll get some backstory as to what Titus has been up to for the last 200 years or so. I have a feeling he had to prove that he wasn’t an agent of chaos a few times and probably earned the respect of the Black Templars while he was at it. Hence the chain on this right forearm. But hey, that’s just a theory…
Gonna need some Black Templar bits to make that Titus conversion now…
So he’s older, he’s been released back to the Ultramarines, he’s gotten the Primaris Protocol, and he’s not a Captain anymore. That about covers it. Oh…and Tyranids!!!
I don’t really have a good segue into that one. I’m just REALLY excited we’ve got Tyranids to fight in this one! It’s going to be an EPIC battle this time around for sure. I’m excited to see what 10 years of tech improvements can do for this franchise and I really hope they get the visceral feel from the last game right. At least they got the look down.
So what happened to Titus in the ~200 years between games? Let us know what you think in the comments!