Star Wars: Five Most Infamous Star Destroyers

Star Destroyers are well known in and out of the galaxy. But these five are some of the most infamous Star Destroyers out there.
5. The Avenger
This Imperial II-class Star Destroyer acted as a member of the Imperial Death Squadron. It’s also one of the few ships talked about by name on the big screen in the original trilogy.
You’ll remember this ship as the one that almost caught the Millennium Falcon. Instead, this Destroyer ended up giving it a ride on their conning tower in a blind spot.
Not what they wanted. But we don’t always get to chose what we’re famous for.
The Avenger was also one of the ships that deployed thousands of Viper probe droids. This was an attempt to discover the location of the Rebel Alliance‘s Echo Base.
4. The Finalizer
The Finalizer was a Resurgent-class Star Destroyer and ship of the First Order. It served as the flagship for General Hux and Kylo Ren.
After its involvement in the assault on Jakku, a long pursuit of the Resistance, and the destructoin of planet Tah’Nuhna, the ship was eventually retired. The Battle of Battu had rendered it too damaged for Imperial use.
At this point, the flagship of choice is switched over to the Steadfast.
3. The Devastator
An Imperial I-class Star Destroyer, the Devastator is famous for its participation in a few battles. You may recognize it from the Battle of Scarif, the Imperial victory at The Battle of Hoth, and acting as Darth Vader’s flagship before he started using the Executor.
On screen, you know the Devastator as the ship that followed and eventually captured Princess Liea’s CR90 Corvette. It was later destroyed during the battle on Endor while protecting the Death Star II.
2. The Chimaera
Not many Star Destroyers get unique paint jobs, but Grand Admiral Thrawn and his Imperial I-class Star Destroyer are always a little different.
Along with the Seventh Fleet, the Chimaera blockaded Lothol and spent some time subjugating Ryloth. Past the end of Rebels however, it’s unclear where the Chimaera is or if it is still functional.
After being pulled into hyperspace by purrgil that Ezra Bridger summoned, the Chimaera, Ezra, Thrawn, and much of the crew’s whereabouts are still unknown.
1. The Executor
This Executor-class Star Dreadnought served as the personal flagship for Darth Vader. Under Vader’s command, the Executor was instrumental in multiple key moments in the Galactic Civil War including the Battle of Hoth.
Following the Battle of Yavin, the Executor led the Death Squadron. But it was eventually destroyed when Revel A-Wing pilot, Arvel Crynyd, crashed into the Executor’s bridge and caused it to collide with the second Death Star.
Between its prominence in the galaxy and its notoriety as Vader’s falgship, the Executor is easily the most famous Star Destroyer in the galaxy.
What’s your favorite Star Destroyer? How about your favorite Star Destroyer Class? Which ship do you think is most infamous within the cannon of Star Wars? Let us know in the comments!
May The Force Be With You, Adventurers!