Warhammer 40K: 5 Of Our Favorite Space Marine Captains

There’s so many to choose from but these are our 5 favorite Space Marine Captains (or Captain equivalents).
Space Marines are known for their Lieutenants. Why else would Games Workshop have made so many of them. But the real stars on the tabletop are the Captains who order their men to hit better with their powerful leadership auras. But we’re not here to talk about rules, we’re here to talk about 5 of the best (according to a strenuous rubric we developed here at the BoLS HQ — we put a bunch of names in a hat and pulled them out) and our most favorite Space Marine Captains ever!
Cato Sicarius
He’s got a book about him and he’s had a few miniatures over the years. We like Cato Sicarius because his name is fun to say and his helmet plume is fun to paint. He’s the Second Company Captain of the Ultramarines so you know he’s kind of a big deal. Plus, he survived an excursion into the warp and eventually became a good buddy of Guilliman, too. And we all know the Primarch is a fantastic judge of character…
Watch Captain Artemis
Making his debut in Inquisitor as a full-on Space Marine Captain, he was OP AF (that’s Over Powered As Foretold) on the tabletop. After that game quietly went away the Watch Captain still stood out and eventually came back to the tabletop with a new miniature and rules for 40k. He’s originally from the Mortifactors Space Marine Chapter and so he doesn’t get near the attention he deserves.
With that said he’s at least a neat character and a fun model. Plus we still really like the paint scheme of the Deathwatch anyhow. So he makes the cut!
Darnath Lysander
Captain Darnath Lysander is a member of the Imperial Fists and he’s their First Captain. He’s also proof that Space Marine Character do get promoted over time…eventually. He used to be a sergeant in the 3rd company and basically trained Scouts to shoot. Fans of certain vintage might even remember those old rules – but that not why he’s here! We like Lysander for the sheer terror he used to be on the tabletop. He could go toe-to-toe with the likes of ANY other character in the game a couple editions ago. The fact is we still have some traumatic memories from this guy and we can’t help but think about him in our collective nightmares. He’s on the list because that way maybe he’ll stop beating us up.
Ragnar Blackmane
Ragnar Blackmane is a Wolf Lord, which is what a Space Marine Captain is when they stop bathing and get fleas are members of the Space Wolves. Blackmane is actually quite the beast in close-combat and he’s even gone heads-up against Ghazghkull — which resulted in a double KO with both combatants getting a major upgrade thanks to #plotarmor. Anyhow this Golden Boy (or Black Sheep?) of the Space Wolves is on the list because we do legit like the new model as it’s a massive improvement over the previous version:
Oh old Marines, I don’t even miss you guys…
Plus we couldn’t just load up the list with generic Space Marine Captains so congrats Blackmane your name got pulled from the hat made the cut.
Uriel Ventris
Uriel Ventris is on the list because it wouldn’t be a Space Marine list without at least two Ultramarines. Plus, he’s arguably the most famous of all these characters on the list. Why? Because he’s got an entire Black Library series chronicling his career! It’s literally hundreds of page of lore on this specific character. Funnily enough, despite all that lore, he only recently got a model in 2020. Anyhow, this iconic character is actually one Captain we’re glad that’s on this list.
There’s LOTS of other Captains to choose from — which one(s) are your favorite?