Warhammer 40K: 5 Things We Want From 2022

Let’s take a look at what we want out of 40k in the coming year.
2021 has been at the very least a better year than 2020 was. It’s had its ups and downs, and downs and then lights at ends of tunnels, which turned out to be a train coming towards us. While the world might not be great we have seen improvement. The tournament scene has started up and we have a very active and defined meta. Its not been the best year for 40K, but also not been the worst. If anything its been the year that 40K really went mainstream with national news and big stars talking about it. But 2021 is soon to be in past now. So lets look forward and talk about some things we want to see in 40k 2022.
5. A New Army
It’s been a while since 40K has seen anything really new. 8th Edition saw some nice expansion of some factions into whole armies, such as Death Guard and Custodians, and other armies got more fleshed out, such as GSC and Knights, but none of those were really “new” in 8th. Other armies that had gotten a bit of a start in 7th, such as Sister of Silence and Ynnari haven’t gone anywhere. I spent this whole year hoping for something new, but didn’t really get it. 9th has yet to really introduce anything to shake up the game. I’d really like to see something truly new come into the game at this point, on the level of T’au introduction, a fresh new take on the game, but I know it’s a bit of a stretch.
4. Something to Happen With the Aeldari
This is another one I’ve been wanting for years. 7th Edition saw a huge advancement in Aeldari lore, with the return of Harlequins as a real faction and the introduction of the Ynnari and their massive story potential. Then…. all of that went nowhere. In the years since then, the Ynnari plot basically hasn’t advanced at all, getting some minor lip service in Psychic Awakening. On top of that, the Ynnari faction still doesn’t have a proper Codex, being stuck with a series of poorly implemented Index books/White Dwarf Articles.
The overall faction has suffered (model wise) as well, Ynnari, Drukhari, Craftworld and Harlequins getting a handful of resculpts and a fairly useless Webway Gate over the last several years. The Craftworld range in particular is one of the largest and oldest ranges in the game, with many models getting close to legal drinking age (or having passed it depending on your home country). I really really just want to see something done here. Luckly given the recent rumor engines I might be in luck.
3. A Refresh of the Astra Militarum Range
Speaking of refreshing ranges, the Astra Militarum is an old, popular, and huge range of miniatures. They are also my one true 40K love. While they are a hugely important part of the lore and game, the core of the army is ancient. The army is really in kind of an odd spot, like the Space Marines, especially before the introduction of Primaris. They’ve gotten updates and new units. They’ve slowly had tanks added to the list, Tempestus Scions and Ogryns got a refresh, and they’ve had other updates.
Still, the bulk of the army is running off of old 2nd and 3rd edition models that could use an update. This is especially true when it comes to infantry, which is ancient. Updating a few units would be easy and add a ton. This is also a great area to improve on female representation, as the Astra Militarium is a mixed-gender formation. Beyond models, the faction is in a bit of a bind, as I discussed, once or twice or more over the years. This is a prime army to get a major overhaul. We got just a hint of this with the new Kreig unit, but really need more.
2. More Attempts to Balance The Game
The Balance Dataslate was a good attempt to bring some order to the game. It worked in some regards, toning down Ad-Mech and Orks to manageable levels. On the other hand it failed to buff armies like IG and Necrons to really be competitive. Worse it launched Drukhari back to the top of the pack and made them a real terror. Just because this one didn’t work doesn’t mean GW should stop attempting to balance the game. I hope we get more like this, and maybe just a bit more effective, in the coming year.
1. No More Nazi Players (Or any hate groups)
I think this speaks for itself. GW has done a great job with statements and formal policies on hate based behavior not being welcome in the hobby. We have a long ways to go on this front, but it’s a good solid start.
Let us know what you want to see from 2022, down in the comments!