Warhammer 40K: Custodes ‘Shield Hosts’ Get Shiny New Rules

The Adeptus Custodes are getting updated Shield Host Rules that you can use to play how you want.
Fans of the Adeptus Custodes are already going to be familiar with the different Shield Hosts of the Custodes. The good news is that when the new codex drops they are also getting some updates to their rules to make them better than ever. Today, we’re getting a preview of what they are going to be able to do!
“There are six in total, including favourites like the Solar Watch, and each has access to unique fighting styles, warlord traits, stratagems, and relics of Terra.
No matter which Shield Host a Custodes is pledged to, they are all first and foremost servants of the Emperor, so you can always fall back on the Emperor’s Chosen Shield Host.”
The Emperor’s Chosen Shield Host is kind of like the default option. So if you don’t know what to run just start there. Anyhow, let’s take a closer look at some of these new tricks the Shield Hosts are bringing to the tabletop.
“This means access to two different traits and a preferred Martial Ka’tah, in this case, Rendax. These powerful stances are adopted as the game progresses, giving you a different choice of an army-wide bonus every turn. Each Host has a preferred Ka’tah, which unlocks additional benefits.”
What are those benefits? When you’re using the Shield Host’s preferred Martial Ka’tah you’ll be able to activate BOTH stances once per game. This is a very potent switch to flip for the Adeptus Custodes.
In another example, GW mentions the Dread Host Shield Host and their preferred Martal Ka’tah Dacatari:
We saw this one previously, but now imagine BOTH stances being active with the option of using the “non-selected” stance the following turn. That’s a mean two-turn punch!
How about a look at another Shield Host — The Aquilan Shield:
Yikes! Each unit is basically mini-characters running around for the purposes of Heroic Interventions and they ignore AP -1. Considering the Adeptus Custodes already impressive armor, this is going to be a tough army to bust-up with small arms fire.
Each Shield Host also has access to unique stratagems as well. Take Shield of Honour for example:
They also get unique Warlord Traits and Relics. Here’s a pair from the Solar Watch:
Again, there are SIX Shield Hosts to choose from. You’ll be able to find one that appeals to the playstyle you like and run with that Host.
The Shadow Throne Box set is coming and so is their new Codex!