Warhammer 40K: New Missions, New Outlook

Adam here to help make some sense of the new 40k missions coming your way next year.
If you didn’t watch it, games Workshop had their event series exhibition and finals this past weekend. They used the event to showcase a couple of the new Primary missions that will be coming out soon and even gave a preview of the new secondaries that will be a part of it also. We still don’t know when the book will be released and I know many hope that it will be released in time for the Las Vegas Open but we will have to cross our fingers and hope for the best. In the mean time, this week we will look and go over a couple of the takeaways from getting these sneak peeks from Games Workshop.
Going to Need More Troops
Objective Secured was always a thing. Although generally troop units were considered objective secured, there are some armies where non troop units are also objective secured. There are a few secondaries that either require you to use units from the Troop category to score the secondaries or you get some type of bonus for using the Troops to perform the action. The tough thing for some armies is what do you give up to include those troops or do you roll the dice and just hope those other troop types can get the job done.
I mean some army’s troops are not very useful but by investing into a small unit or two they can maybe pull their weight and hopefully help their army score more. Obviously, armies that have a lot of troop choices, like Space Marines, will probably have the more useful to choose from while army that have very little to choose from in terms of their troops may have a harder time, especially if these troops are of inferior quality. Once the book is released I am curious how players utilize their troop choices, if they use them at all.
New Math
Well it looks like there are multiples ways to get primary points and Games Workshop even adjusted the way that some of the secondary points are calculated. A couple of them seem a little bit confusing at first but I think everyone will get the hang of them after playing a few games. What is really interesting is that it actually seems easier for a player to score as many primary points as possible. I won’t be surprised if both players get the maximum of 45 points in a lot of games. What this means is that secondaries become even more important.
Choosing the right secondary was always important but players may have to actually build their army in order to score secondaries with primary points as almost an afterthought. I think that once the book goes into the wild, you will see a lot of various lists as people try to figure out which types of armies can better score secondaries. Players may also try to build to deny or limit the secondary choices of their opponents so that could almost a counter meta move by players. All I know is that now I have to learn new math and use this new math to figure out which secondaries might work for me. Back to the drawing(math) board for me, I guess.
We Still Haven’t Seen the Whole Picture
Everyone seems to be excited about the new missions and secondaries. There are plenty of places to go where people are analyzing every detail of each primary and secondary mission. There are also a lot of people who are already announcing their judgement about the missions and secondaries. The issue I have with these is that we haven’t really seen the complete picture yet. there could be something in the remaining missions that could change things once again.
Games Workshop could also introduce some new thing with this new book. I don’t know what it could be but I wouldn’t put it past Games Workshop to change something just to change it, whether we wanted it or not. I mean obviously we will get more teasers as we get closer to the release, whenever that is, but I think it is too soon to make any declarative statements about how good or bad the primary and secondary objectives are. That’s not to say you can’t have an opinion about what is out there now but maybe temper that opinion with a dash of “wait and see” to get the complete picture then go all out.
~Well, that’s all for now. I hope you enjoyed the article. Let me know what you think, and what do you think Games Workshop will change in the new missions, in the comments section below.