Warhammer 40K: Preparing For Ascension Day With Genestealer Cult Crusade Rules

The Genestealer Cults are getting a new batch of Crusade Rules which are guaranteed to help you prep for Ascension Day.
Ascension Day is a big party for the Genestealer Cults. They’ve basically decided that it’s the day they overthrow the yoke of their oppressor’s and rise up! Okay, maybe it’s not so much a party as a revolt…but either way, things get a little crazy! If they’ve planned well and timed every thing right, there might even be some surprises coming from space, too…
“The growth of a Genestealer Cult requires precision, planning, and generations of careful scheming. To reflect this, the core of the new Crusade rules is built around a brand new mechanic, the Path to Ascension. This is an objective exclusive to the Genestealer Cults, which follows your nascent brood as it attempts to grow by infiltrating an entire planet. You get to choose when you begin walking this path, and you will need a Patriarch, Primus, or Magus to begin.”
The new Path to Ascension starts with choosing a planet type. There are six ones to choose from and these worlds have different institutions your cult will need to infiltrate.
Depending on the type of world, they will have a different combination of these institutions. Once the particular planet is chosen, you now need to take over the planet! To do that, you need to earn Ascension points. These are gained in typical fashion: win games and/or complete Agendas. With the right planning your Agendas and Requisitions can even boost your Ascension point gains further. Keep that in mind for the pre and post battle steps!
Now, to infiltrate one of these Institutions, you’ll need 3 Ascension points. When you claim on, you’ll also get a special reward which will impact your crusade list down the road.
Now, there is a flip side to this. There is a chance that your plans will be uncovered and that could lead to some serious setbacks.
“If you are discovered, your next battle will count as the Day of Ascension, when your burgeoning brood gives up its power creep in favour of rising up to overthrow their oppressors and take the world by force. This is an all-or-nothing gamble – if you win you will automatically assume control of the world and complete your mission. However, if you lose, you must abandon your current Path to Ascension.”
Abandoning your Path to Ascension isn’t the end for your GSC. Thankfully, your brood has also been taking some of those Purestrains off-world. Always have a back-up! In any case, failure does mean that your leaders are punished and you’ll lose one of your Ascension rewards, too. But any surviving units can rejoin and go back to their attempted take over. This should be helpful spreading the good word of the Ascension even faster.
There are lots more of these types of surprises in for your crusade force to uncover. Not to mention all the other stuff like unique Agendas, Crusade Relics and more.
On Ascension day, we feast!