Warhammer 40K: The Reductus Saboteur Seems Like A Steal For The Genestealer Cults

Looking to add some bang to your Genestealer Cult Army? Well the Reductus Saboteur could be the perfect option to do just that.
We got a look at the Reductus Saboteur rules previously, but we’re going to go back over them again and look at her points cost, too. Thanks to a new article from GW, we can now get a better idea of just how much of an impact this new Character is going to make.
“To get the biggest bang for their buck, a Reductus Saboteur is also an expert infiltrator, silently navigating tunnels, and scaling towering buildings to plant their lethal payloads. Indeed, they’re responsible for taking out the military assets and sacred symbols of their oppressors when the cult reveals itself – a symbolic gesture that the time for the long-awaited uprising has come.”
Explosives Are Cheap…Points-wise
Clocking in at relatively cheap 80 points the Reductus Saboteur is appealing. We don’t have all her stats, but we do know what she’s got in terms of damage output and other nasty tricks. For example, we know she’s got those dastardly Remote Explosives that pack quite the punch on the battlefield:
It’s a very unique attack and it’s got some serious damage potential vs larger targets. If you happen to roll perfectly, that’s a whopping 18 possible damage this attack can cause to a Vehicle or Monster. Conversely, that’s still a potential 6 damage to anything else on the ground. Plus it hits like a lascannon…but it’s an Assault attack! Think about that for a minute. Running and gunning is a thing you can do with this character. Screen the Reductus Saboteur correctly with some infantry or terrain to get her into position and blast away. And that’s not all she can do…
Don’t forget about her special action. This is really just some good old fashioned area denial. Honestly, I really like this ability and kind of want more options like this in the game. I mean, it is that time of year and giving these “presents” to your enemies just seems appropriate. And it was mentioned above but you can actually keep her alive thanks to a few of her abilities:
With the bonus to armor and being hard to hit (and also target in the first place), she can really get where you need her. That’s why we’re kind of impressed for the points cost. This is a neat character and for only 80 points you should be able to slot her into just about any list.
Watch your step…