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Warhammer 40K: This Week’s Meta Hotness – Grotesques

4 Minute Read
Dec 22 2021

Let’s take a look a look at a unit that’s your enemy, but you really can’t bear to look at,  Drukhari Grotesques.

In the ever-shifting meta of 40K, armies rise and fall. We’ve spent a lot of time talking about armies that are hot or not, but a lot less time looking at units that are running the show. Today let’s take a look at one of the hottest units currently running around the tabletop.

The Unit

Grotesques are an elite Drukhair/Haemonculus Coven unit made up of heavily modified and mutated warriors. Pumped full of elixirs and other dark sciences they rampage around the battlefield. On the tabletop they fill the role of heavy assault infantry, and can be modified to have minor ranged capabilities.

Why They Are Good

It’s not really hard to see why these guys are good. One look shows they boast an impressive stat line. S and T 5, and 4 wounds and attacks make them both great offensively and just a pain to take down. They don’t have a lot of defense, but T5, or six with the right buff makes them hard for small arms to hurt. A 6+/6++/5+++ means they will shrug off an annoying amount of damage. In combat, they throw out a ton of D2 attacks, 5 normally, and can chew through MEQ and light vehicles. Top that off with decent speed and this is a unit that hits hard and keeps on going. It might not have a ton of tricks about it, but it’s cheap and effective at what it does.

A Sample List

Saying a unit is hot is all well and good, but let’s look at how players are using it. One list that highlights Mandrakes is the list that Richard Siegler ran to take 1st place at both the recent  GW Austin GT.

Obsession – “Custom Coven” – Artists of the Flesh (All Consuming)


Haemonculus – Warlord – Master Regenerist, The Animus Vitae – 70pts

Wracks X 17 – Electrocorrosive Whip, Ossefactor, Wrack Blade X 16 – 154pts
Wracks X 5 – 40pts
Wracks X 5 – 40pts

Grotesque w/Master Cleaver X 4 – 140pts
Grotesque w/Master Cleaver X 4 – 140pts

Talos X 2 – Heat Lances X 2, Talos Gauntlet, Talos Icho Injector – 210pts
Talos X 2 – Heat Lances X 2, Talos Gauntlet, Talos Icho Injector – 210pts

Obsession – “Custom Coven” – Dark Technomancer


Succubus – Hypex, Quicksilver Fighter, Relic – Triptych Whip, Tolerated Ambition, Show Stealer – 95pts

Wracks X 4 – 40pts

Cronos X 3 – Sprit Probe X 1 – 260pts
Cronos X 3 – Sprit Probe X 1 – 260pts

Obsession – Kabal of the Black Heart: Thirst for Power

Archon – Ancient Evil, Djin Blade, Splinter Pistol, Huskblade, Tolerated Ambition, Splinter Genius
-No Force Org-
Court of the Arcon – Sslyth X 4, Ur-Ghul X 4 – 136pts

Wracks X 5 – 40pts

Mandrakes X 5 – 75pts


Pts: 2000 CP: +8CP



Using the Unit

Siegler’s list makes use of two large 4 model units of Grotesques. They will be a middle-weight role between the lighter units of Wracks and the heavier Talos and Cronos units. Buffed with Artists of the Flesh the unit takes a -1 to D, making it extra hard to bring them down. With this, they make a mockery of the D2 weapons that should be good against them. These tough 16-wound units, that can be healed, act as yet another big, fast, hard to kill block the enemy has to deal with. They still don’t have a lot of tricks, or ranged weapons. But rolling forwarded and used aggressively they are hard to deal with.

Let us know what units you think are hot right now, down in the comments! 


Author: Abe Apfel
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