Age of Sigmar: Battletome Roadmap Revealed

There’s a plan and Games Workshop is looking to stick to it. That plan includes 6 more Battletomes on the way for Warhammer: Age of Sigmar!
We’ve been waiting to see what Games Workshop is going to do with the Battletomes for the Age of Sigmar. Since the new edition came out last summer folks have been waiting patiently for any news about more Battletomes. The big question became, “So where ARE they?” Well now we know what the plan is moving into 2022.
“With so many armies rolling up their sleeves for a scrap, you can look forward to four new battletomes arriving in the near future.”
Age of Sigmar: The 2022 Roadmap
The four books that have been revealed are probably not big surprises to anyone. If anything they are just confirmations of what folks were expecting. Fury of the Deep just launched and that featured the Idoneth Deepkin vs Fyreslayers.
And would you look at that?! Those two books are slated for release in “winter” — which is sometime around now. So we’re expecting to see these relatively soon.
To follow that up Games Workshop also announced the next Battlebox coming to AoS: Arena of Shades.
This box features The Daughters of Khaine vs the Nighthaunt. Which, look at that, those are the two books coming after IDK and Fyreslayer.
It’s also worth noting that in both Battleboxes, each faction got at least 1 new hero. The Arena of Shades is exciting for Death Players because we’re getting a new ranged unit, too.
Someone told me they fire “Crossboos” and I hate them forever.
But Wait, There’s More!
To leave us without something to pine after Games Workshop also announced that two MORE Battletomes would be arriving in the summer of this year as well. Only they didn’t say which particular army. They did however drop us some clues.
“Oh-ho, what’s this? Two more mystery battletomes are slated to arrive this summer. We can’t tell you exactly what they are yet, but it seems some distinctly Chaos-flavoured mischief is on the horizon, much to the dismay of the ever-vigilant forces of Order…”
So the chaos Battletome is going to be “mischief” and the Order is “ever-vigilant” — hmm…If you’ve got guesses we’d love to see them in the comments. Also take into account those cover teasers. What do you suppose those could be?
Who’s excited for a new batch of Battletomes?!