Age of Sigmar: Five Incredible Centerpiece Models

These Age of Sigmar centerpiece models are the perfect way to make sure your army stands out on the battlefield.
We’re just a couple of weeks into the new year, and we’ve already seen some exciting previews. Alongside a brand new battlebox reviving two beloved factions, the 2022 sneak peek video offered a glimpse into possible future releases. With all these exciting releases on the horizon, it’s the perfect time to start up a brand new army, and one of the best starting points is picking a dynamic centerpiece, a mighty hero or an epic monster. There’s a lot of choices out there, but here are five amazing pieces that are sure to provide a great launching point for a great army.
Sigvald, Prince of Slaanesh
Starting off our list, we have a modest infantry model, but he’s by far one of the most flamboyant heroes in the Realms. The chosen champion of the god Slaanesh, Sigvald was thought dead after the events of The End Times. However, he was far too pretty to die, and Slaanesh has returned him to the Mortal Realms to smite his foes in glorious golden fashion. Poised on a chunk of shattered rock that seems to depict a Daemonette head, his regal posture and flowing cape will keep all eyes on him, just how he likes it. Plus, it helps that he’s an absolute unit in combat, so bringing him along won’t hurt your army.
The Glottkin
From gorgeous infantry to grotesque monstrosity, the next entry on our centerpiece list is almost the polar opposite of Prince Sigvald. A trio of champions of the pestilent god Nurgle, the Glottkin are a dynamic team, combining a monster, sorcerer, and warrior into a terrifying diorama. While they will definitely eat up your points, they will more than equal their cost with their incredible power. Plus, they’re eye-catching on the battlefield, and will draw both your opponent’s fire and their attention. Towering over the rest of the fight and festooned with mutations, they’ll be impossible to miss and are a great starting point for a Nurgle army.
If you’re going to take the fishy half of the new Fury of the Deep battlebox, you’ll want to do as the Namarti do and hop on the Hurtle. The Leviadon is a fantastic force multiplier, a deadly shooting platform, and an absolute nightmare in combat. Besides all that, the model is beautiful, and perfectly captures the Idoneth combination between elegance and savagery. You really can’t go wrong throwing this monster into your list.
I know, I know, another infantry model in a list about big centerpieces, but trust me; this guy is more like a Dark Souls boss than a standard hero. Surrounded by his attendants and retainers, he doesn’t deign to join the battle until most of his servants have been vanquished, and his model gives off the feeling of arrogance befitting a Mortarch of his stature. Of course, all that arrogance is not without cause, and he more than earns his ego with martial skill. Diorama models like this one always make for gorgeous army centerpieces, and Katakros is certainly no exception.
Closing out our list with have the biggest of the big boys, the God of Earthquakes and master of the Forces of Destruction, Kragnos. Thanks to the recent FAQ, the massive Drogrukh warrior has seen a bit of a renaissance in 3.0, making him even more deadly than he already was. His dynamic pose, thematic base, and sheer bulk make him one of the best centerpieces in the entire faction, maybe even the game, and he more than pulls his weight in combat. Charging alongside Orruks or Ogors, Kragnos will easily live up to his title, and woe betide any unfortunate enemy who gets in his way.
Who are your favorite Age of Sigmar Centerpiece models?