Age of Sigmar: Fyreslayers Wishlist 2022

I was good all year just so Grimnir will bless my duardin.
Battleboxes are always exciting, especially when one (or both) of the factions within is one you already play. Thanks to the big end of year reveal, we know that the next box heading to the Mortal Realms is Idoneth vs Fyreslayers, two beloved but slightly neglected Order factions. Alongside the massive box comes two brand new heroes, but a lot of fans were hoping for a bit more, especially for the humble Fyreslayers. New battleboxes usually mean new battletomes and at least a few reinforcements, but all we’ve seen so far are the heroes. With that in mind, here’s three things I hope the noble Fyreslayers tack on in their new battletome. (Don’t worry fish friends; I’ll be doing an Idoneth wishlist as well).
More Units
Fyreslayers are full to bursting with hero models, and that makes sense; their honor-based culture would lead to several exceptional individuals rising above their peers to claim glory and ur-gold for lodge and family. However, the standard troops leave a lot to be desired, with only one permanent battleline and only two other non-hero units, making them one of the smallest grocery lists in the game. While each of the other two units is conditional battleline, our choices are woefully limited, so variety in a Fyreslayers list is next to impossible to achieve. I’m hoping we’ll see the addition of at least one more unit to the roster, maybe even one that can’t be battleline but adds some sort of heavy support or anvil for the massive flaming hammer.
Everyone and their mother has some kind of big blasting unit now, and again the Fyreslayers are left out in the cold. Sure they have the Magmadroths but those only apply to heroes, and even then with the new rules from 3.0 they don’t bring the power that some of the other blasters do. Adding wild Magmadroths similar to how the Soulblight Gravelords and Flesheater Courts can take Dragons and Terrorgheists would be one fix, but it isn’t what I REALLY want to see. What I’d love is some sort of massive flame or lava cannon, maybe one mounted on the back of a ‘droth or a pair of them, to represent a larger version of the weapons the Auric Hearthguard carry into battle. It could have boosted damage against Monsters in the same way as the smaller weapons, and it would give the Fyreslayers something to cover their naked advance.
Coalition Options
Now that the Fyreslayers are canonically more honor bound and less of the grumpy mountain curmudgeons that they once were, it would be cool to see them able to take a few of the Order factions as coalition units. Frankly I’d love for all the Order models to be able to sub in sister factions, like Darkling Covens for Daughters of Khaine or Lumineth for Idoneth (though canonically that would be a bit of a stretch) and I think the perfect allies for Fyreslayers would be Stormcast and Kharadrons. Having a Kharadron coalition would also solve my above issue, as a few gunships or Arknauts would be exactly the gunline needed to balance the melee prowess of the Fyreslayers, and vice versa.
Anything you’re hoping for?