Age of Sigmar: LVO Warhammer Preview – What We Need

Will we get lucky in Las Vegas? Here are my hopes for the Age of Sigmar section of the LVO Preview.
There are a lot of reasons to be excited for the upcoming Las Vegas Open. As the largest independent gaming convention in the country, it attracts gamers from all corners to compete, grab some swag, and check out all the beautifully painted minis. With last year’s even canceled, LVO 2022 is even more hype than before and has attracted gamers, presenters, and average joe guests from all over the country.
However, for those of us stuck at home, Games Workshop is giving us a long-distance treat with the first Warhammer Preview of 2022. There will be reveals for 40k, The Horus Heresy, Necromunda, Kill Team, and of course Age of Sigmar. There have been a ton of teases and subtle hints about upcoming releases since the dawn of 3.0, so here are three things I hope we see in the upcoming preview.
Cursed City Expansion/Re-release
The Warhammer Quest: Cursed City boxset was many things: exciting, perhaps disappointing, but definitely rare. Scalpers from every dark and sticky corner of the internet snatched up multiple copies of the limited-run game, intending to resell the product for more than double the list price. Because of this, many honest gamers missed out on the boxset and the enclosed heroes and villains. Games Workshop tried to mitigate the sting by releasing the minis separately, but that damage was done. Anyone who wanted to play the game would have to find a friend who had it or pay the ridiculous scalper price.
Thankfully GW is making good on a promise they made at release, and a new run is coming, complete with expansions. I hope we get to see some of those, and that the scalpers drown in their tears and piles of useless plastic.
Dawnbringer Crusade
A more militant focus of the Cities of Sigmar, the Dawnbringer Crusades were hinted at in the new Stormcast battletome and Core Rulebook. These forces of Order are setting out to retake lands lost to Chaos, and personally, I want to put them on the tabletop. Having an army of new dwarves, elves, and humans fighting alongside the other Order armies would be an awesome addition to the game. I’m just hoping we get to see more about the Witch Hunters revealed last year.
No, I will not shut up about this until we see it. There have been multiple teases, underhanded references, and even secret additions to the game hinting at the warriors of Malerion, and it’s time GW made good. In the era of monsters, a half-dragon Shadow King is just what we need, along with his army of daemon aelves. I just hope they do right by my boy, and I want to see him this Thursday.
What are you hoping for? Tell me how it’s Malerion?