Jack is Off Her Rocker in this ‘Mass Effect’ Cosplay

Tattoos, insanity, and murderous rampages? These cosplays of our favorite Subject Zero have it all.
She has wardrobe that would make Leeloo Dallas jealous, and an attitude to match. Jack, aka Subject Zero, is one of the most iconic and divisive characters in the Mass Effect franchise.
She packs a punch, literally, and has psionic powers that will bring the strongest man (or Turian) to their knees. This week we’re celebrating the fiercest Mass Effect Jack cosplays.
Mass Effect Jack Cosplay by Miss Sinister Cosplay
The Mass Effect series features a rag-tag bunch of misfits with guns and a penchant for violence, masquerading as galaxy saving heroes. Each game reveals more about the backstories of these characters, and strengthens their bonds. Jack has one of the darkest backstories, full of danger, misconception, and heartache.
Mass Effect Jack Cosplay by Nadyasonika
Mass Effect has a gorgeous aesthetic that lends itself nicely to cosplay. There are countless cosplayers who have created characters from the series, from Garrus and Tali to Miranda and beyond. This week, we’re taking a look at the darker side of the universe, with these Mass Effect Jack cosplays.
Mass Effect Jack Cosplay by Throwfabricatbear
Mass Effect Jack Cosplay by Nadyasonika
“He didn’t say anything about you going missing. Didn’t want to get stuck here.”
“Fifteen creds says the little guy doesn’t make it five steps in before the merc explodes him.”
“That was mean. But damn funny.”
“I like her. Are we still recruiting?”
“Mess with someone’s head enough, you can turn a scared little kid into an all powerful bitch.”
Mass Effect Jack Cosplay by Miss Sinister Cosplay
“You die first.”
“They’ve been on my ass for years. Anytime I get free, they put a huge bounty on me. That’s why Warden Kuril figured he’d struck gold when he caught me.”
“You show up in a Cerberus frigate to take me away somewhere? You think I’m stupid?”
“Let’s remember that the next time Shepard sends into impossible odds. That’s about twice a day.”
Mass Effect Jack Cosplay by Throwfabricatbear
“They thought they were so clever. Turns out, mess with someone’s head enough, you can turn a scared little kid into an all-powerful bitch. Fuckin’ idiots.”
“I’m not going to say anything about Jack — I’m not that stupid.”
“Jack’s tattoos are beautiful; as colorful as her past, I’m sure. I have concerns with her temper, though.”
“I know she’ll be solid under fire, but her attitude suggests deep personal issues. She pushes people away, yet approaches sex casually. I’m not sure she understands her own motivations. Just be careful when talking about personal matters.”
“I figure every time someone dies and it’s not me, my chances of survival go up. Simple.”
“I feel like… I’m pissed off. I’m a dangerous bitch. But then, I’m a little girl again. Shit, it’s complicated.”
~Join us next week for more Cosplay Coverage~
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