Cosplay: ‘Teen Titan’s Raven Cosplay Brings all the Dark Power

There’s no power like the power of emotion- and we’re all sorts of emotional over these Teen Titans Raven Cosplays!
We’re all aware that teenage emotions are volatile at best. DC comics managed to make an entire series out of the concept, bringing us the youthful, charming and often angsty Teen Titans. Although they are younger than most superheroes, they pack a fierce punch, and this week we’re here to brood along with Teen Titans Raven cosplays straight out of DC comics.
Raven Cosplay by gnitae
Raven is a human-demon hybrid who is one of the five core founding members of the Teen Titans. She comes from a troubled past, and spent her youth in the Temple of Azaroth, learning of meditation, pacifism, and the submergence of her emotions. You know… typical teenager stuff.
Raven Cosplay by Shellanin
While hiding out on Earth to escape inevitable parental issues, she stumbled across a group of super-power youths fighting a strange alien girl. Raven’s training kicked in and helped her solve the situation with mental powers instead of physical ones… The rest is history.
Raven Cosplay by Kainosaurus
The Teen Titans are an incredibly popular group of superheroes in the DC universe, and Raven is one of the most popular characters to see cosplayed. With her wit and sass, her gorgeous purple cape and pasty pale complexion, Raven is an iconic and easily recognizable character at any Con. This week, we’re featuring the New 52 version of her costume.
Raven Cosplay by Hendo Art
Teen Titans Raven Cosplay by Shellanin
“My mind is a battleground, whipped and ripped asunder, torn from the very fabric of reality.”
Teen Titans Raven Cosplay by Kainosaurus
“I respect that you don’t eat meat; please respect that I don’t eat fake meat.”
“Any chance we can replace Beast Boy with a robot too?”
“That’s my room! Nobody goes into my room!”
“Wow, Beast Boy’s jokes are too immature even for babies.”
“Where did you learn history, a cereal box?”
Teen Titans Raven Cosplay by Hendo Art
“If it wasn’t for that beast, I might not be here right now. Having that thing inside doesn’t make you an animal. Knowing when to let it out is what makes you a man.”
“Not gonna happen. How else am I supposed to keep your toenails off the coffee table?”
“Let’s just say I have some issues with my father.”
“My mind is never troubled. People come, people go. It’s pointless to be upset about Cyborg.”
Teen Titans Raven Cosplay by gnitae
“We can’t change the truth…no matter how much we dislike.”
“My powers are driven by emotion. The more you feel, the more energy you unleash.”
“So for those who don’t believe in ghosts, how many of you would be willing to spend a few nights in a house considered haunted by restless spirits?”
“A poltergeist is a paranormal phenomenon including objects being thrown about, noises, knocking, pounding or banging and some physical attacks on witness, in short a troublesome ghost that haunts a particular person.”
“Are you scared? You should be.”
“If I die, I will become a ghost. If I become a ghost, I would haunt everyone, only my enemies, not my allies, my enemies.”
~Join us next week for more Cosplay Coverage~
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