D&D: Tal’Dorei’s Circle Of The Blighted – What If A Druid Was An Eco-Villain?

Circle of the Blighted Druids spread corruption and defile nature wherever they go. Like if an eco-villain were a druid.
Tal’Dorei Campaign Setting Reborn features nine subclasses, but the Circle of the Blighted is one of the best. Circle of the Blighted is a circle for Druids who have attuned to nature that has been defiled.
Whether it’s corruption from an ancient evil, magic gone awry, or your standard cursed ground, these druids are toxic.
That is to say, Circle of the Blighted Druids call upon the powers of blighted and defiled nature. And they’re surprisingly good as a result.
Before we dive in to the class, I just want to point out that these Druids aren’t inherently villains. Their power is inherently linked to toxic/blighted nature, sure. But the iconic example tries to use her power to do good in the world.
Circle of the Blighted Overview
As you have probably gleaned from the name, Circle of the Blighted Druids are, well, blighted. Mechanically, this is represented by their abilities which twist and corrupt your typical Druid fare.
Defile Ground, for example, is their first ability, gained at 2nd level. It lets a Circle of the Blighted Druid corrupt a patch of land or water as a bonus action. They pick a 10-foot radius area within 60 feet and turn it into difficult terrain for creatures hostile to them.
But they also cause creatures within it to take extra necrotic damage the first time they take damage on a turn, making them a powerful force multiplier for anyone. This stacks with Hunter’s Mark, Hex, and the like. And they can move the patch of corruption as a bonus action.
It gets better though, because you also gain Blighted Shape, which makes you a gnarled, twisted beast when you wild shape. They gain proficiency with Intimidation, and when you wild shape, whatever beast you transform into gains a +2 AC as gnarled spines protrude from your body.
Circle of the Blighted At Higher Levels
At higher levels, Circle of the Blighted Druids grow even more corrupt. They can “summon the feral children of the forest” whenever they damage enemies with their Defiled Ground. As a reaction they can summon a Blighted Sapling through Call of the Shadowseeds.
These are summonable twig blights that run around attacking things and are in general another body on the table. Plus it scales with the Druid’s level. And at 10th level, Foul Conjuration twists and corrupts any fey, beast, or plant they summon or create with your spells. Visually it’s distressing, but mechanically it’s powerful. Creatures conjured by the Blight Druid gain immunity to poison and necrotic damage, and they explode whenever they’re taken out.
Incarnation of Corruption, however, takes the cake. It’s a great capstone for Circle of the Blighted Druids. They gain an extra +2 AC (on top of the AC they gain in beast form) and can use a bonus action while on their Defiled Ground to gain temporary hit points equal to their proficiency bonus.
Circle of the Blighted – Final Thoughts
Of all the Tal’Dorei subclasses, I think I’m most interested in playing this one first. It’s really captured my imagination. I love the way the mechanics and the theme blend together. As you read one ability to the next, you can see how this Druid progresses in power.
It’s not as mechanically strong as the Moon Domain Cleric, but it’s going to be an absolute blast to play.
Want to know more about Tal’Dorei Campaign Setting Reborn? Check out our video review.
Happy Adventuring!