Goatboy’s Warhammer 40K – New Custodes Golden Plastic Punch

Goatboy here with an Adeptus Custodes army from the new codex to take a look at. This one’s super easy to collect!
I think the new book looks pretty fun and will just concentrate on plastic options as we wait for the FW update to get the other fly boys in line. Overall the book looks cool and while it is a pure MSU build you can have some fun with it. It also makes it one of the cheaper armies to build out if you are going all plastic as you can easily buy the Combat Patrol plus Shadow Throne and have an army for the most part. A troop box, more bikes, and Trajann is really all you need. With that – let’s throw out the list.
We’ll go with a simple Battalion because it is clean and easy. Additionally, we are using only plastic options to make it simple to collect.
New Custodes Golden Punch
Stratagems Taken
Emperor’s Heroes – 2CP
Victor of the Blood Games – 1CP
Open the Vaults – 1CP
Trajann +1CP
Adeptus Custodes Battalion – 0CP
Shield Host – Emperor’s Chosen
Trajann – Warlord – Master of Martial Strategy, Champion of the Imperium – 170pts
Shield Captain in Allarus Terminator Armor – Misericordia, WLT – Impregnable Mind, Superior Creation, Unstoppable Destroyer, Relic – Praetorian Plate – 135pts
Vertus Shield Captain – Tip of the Spear, WLT – Auric Exemplar, Relic – Castellan’s Mark, Misericordia – 195pts
Custodian Guard X 3 – Sentinel Blades/praesidium shields X 3 – 150pts
Custodian Guard X 3 – Sentinel Blades/praesidium shields X 3 – 150pts
Custodian Guard X 3 – Sentinel Blades/praesidium shields X 3 – 150pts
Allarus Custodes X 3 – Misericordia X 1 – 204pts
Vertus Praetors X 3 – Salvo Launchers X 3, Misericordia X 3 – 270pts
Vertus Praetors X 3 – Salvo Launchers X 3, Misericordia X 3 – 270pts
Vertus Praetors X 3 – Salvo Launchers X 3, Misericordia X 3 – 270pts
PTs: 1991 CP: 9
New Custodes Golden Tactics
This is a pretty simple list to run. You could easily take what you get from Shadowthrone or just go out and buy a few boxes of guys. The Custodian Guard just need 2 troop boxes, then most of the other stuff is single box purchases. Which of course makes this a fairly cheap army to get and just be ready to play with.
It seems simple enough you are going to push towards the center and utilize your bikers to do some damage. You can throw 2 units of bikes in an aggressive set up to see if you get first turn. Then, if you don’t you can easily pull them back with the Castellan Mark and prepare for the 2nd turn game. The Bike Captain is meant to punch things pretty good. You’ll also have the Unstoppable Destroyer which will be a pain in the butt to remove.
For the Emperor!