Let’s Play D&D With Peacemaker

This week we’re going to ruin every bit of planning our DM put in…. for peace, when we play D&D with Peacemaker.
Back when Suicide Squad came out Peacemaker had made my shortlist for playable character sheets. In the end, I decided against it because I didn’t think it would be any fun. Some characters are straightforward punch (or shoot) guys and that’s fine and very fun to play.
But for sheets to share with you guys? You already know what a straightforward shoot-guy’s sheet looks like and it’s not thrilling. But then the Peacemaker series came out and everything changed. So without further ado, let’s play D&D with…
You may notice Peacemaker is still eighty percent straight forward shoot-guy. That’s hard to avoid. He’s a shoot guy. He shoots guys.
Fighter with a subclass of Gunslinger was the obvious choice, and he’s pretty darn good at shooting things if I say so myself. Gunslinger comes with a few trick shots, so I took the ones that seemed as over-the-top as possible or just as useful as possible in a super hero or covert operation situation and called it a day.
But that’s not all that makes Peacemaker Peacemaker. Sure, he’s willing to kill absolutely anyone for the sake of peace right into a Chaotic Good alignment. But this is a character with some layers. And an eagle. I needed to give him an eagle.
Unfortunately, getting an animal companion or familiar is limited to just a few subclasses… None of which fit Peacemaker very well.
Ranger was the closest, and we probably could have made that work. But in the end I decided to go in a completely different direction. You see, he’s clearly duel classed as a dance Bard.
And while that is a bit of a goofy joke duel class, it’s also weirdly helpful for some Peacemakery things. For example, Bard spells give us access to a variety of animal handling spells (which I took all of).
Does that make Eagly a familiar or an animal companion? No. Does it give Peacemaker the ability to say “I’m going to talk to that eagle over there,” and then have a full blown conversation with it? Absolutely.
I tried to keep the rest of his spells light but useful.
To go with the College of Glamour / Dance Bard class, I gave Peacemaker an Entertainer / Gladiator background. I know that’s not the character’s actual background.
But it’s undeniable that John Cena has an almost magnetic charisma, even while playing a total goofus of a character. Entertainer leans into that a little while nodding at the actor’s wrestling background.
And there you have it. Peacemaker is a kind of weird strong dude with a gun who’s inexplicably able to communicate with a bird and has surprising flashes of charisma. He’d honestly fit right in in most of our D&D campaigns.
How would you make Peacemaker for D&D? Have you been able to skip the credits jam yet? What movie, show, comic, or game should I make sheets from next time? Let us know in the comments!
Happy Adventuring!