Star Wars: Four Times ‘Book of Boba Fett’ Made Reference to the Prequels

The Book of Boba Fett is full of Easter eggs and references, but he seems to like referencing the prequels most of all.
The Book of Boba Fett has been a reference-spotting smorgasbord. It’s a show with more opportunities to say “hey look at that!” than forwarding momentum. But we love the references and easter eggs here. And Book of Boba Fett seems to love giving nods to the prequels more than any other movies in the canon.
After taking the N-1 for a test drive, Din Djarin described the experience as “Wizard.” In Star Wars speak, this means something akin to cool or great. Possibly even super rad. You get the picture.
We hear it in the first time in the prequels when one of Anakin Skywalker‘s friends is commenting on the future Sith Lord’s podracer. Coming from two little kids, “wizard” has an almost Leave It To Beaver feel. Pod racing is peachy keen and nifty, Ani!
Coming from Din it’s a little harder to tell if it’s slang that people in the galaxy use, or if he’s just out of the loop. Either way, it’s a solid reference.
Now This is Pod Racing?
Speaking of Din’s joyride, the path he took through the canyons was undeniably familiar. This is because portions of it included the same route Anakin had to take during his famous podrace.
That was literally podracing, but later in the movie while piloting a space ship he said, “Now this is podracing.” Not to get too literal at a kid, but you were literally podracing yesterday.
This is another thing. Appropriately, Anakin was also piloting an N-1 Starfighter at the time.
The Grievous Chef
Let’s step away from Episode 5 and Din Djarin for a moment. In Episode 4 when Boba Fett flashes back to himself and Fennec breaking into Jabba’s palace to liberate his ship, a chef droid looks weirdly familiar.
His six arms start spinning around threateningly, and if he had been armed he would have been a dead ringer for General Grievous‘s youngest cousin. I’m sure this amounts to nothing more than a cool visual call-back. After all, if you have a design as perfect as General Grievous, you’re going to want to utilize it in live action more than once.
The Book of Boba Fett has a lot of a flashbacks. Many of them include information that we didn’t know but all sort of assumed. Some are fun, others are gutting. A few are flashbacks that we, as the audience, recognize.
Visuals of young Boba Fett with his father before (and after) is death have appeared more than once. Usually they’re transitions into new flashback information, and a pretty strong indication that Boba is still dealing with some trauma.
What are your favorite callbacks to the prequel trilogy in The Book of Boba Fett? What do you think is in store for the final two episodes? Which episode has been your favorite so far? Let us know in the comments!
May The Force Be With You, Adventurers!