Star Wars: That Time Disney Had To Create A Whole New Ship Because JJ Abrams Forgot How TIE’s Worked- The TIE/SF Breakdown

What do you mean TIE Fighters only have one seat and no life support? But my “plot”! Fine, make a new ship.
Truth is malleable in the Star Wars Universe. From a certain point of view, anything you see on screen has a perfectly logical explanation. Darth Vader “killed” Anakin Skywalker. Obi-Wan Kenobi became “more powerful than you could possibly imagine.” The story of Darth Plagueis the Wise “was a tragedy.”

But while there’s no way a TIE/ln fighter could allow for such a feat, the First Order had one ship that could. Sure, it was invented after the fact, but here it is, the TIE/sf, or as it’s more commonly known the Special Forces TIE fighter.
The TIE/sf Space Superiority Fighter
Designed by Sienar-Jaemus Fleet Systems for the First Order’s most elite Special Forces pilot, the TIE/sf has a unique distinction It’s the only two-seater in the TIE arsenal. It’s also more heavily armed, boasting a heavy weapons turret and mag-pulse warhead launcher.
Indeed, the TIE/sf was outfitted with some of the most bespoke weaponry every designed by Sienar-Jaemus Fleet Systems. The TIE/sf carried 2 SJFS L-s9.6 laser cannons, an SJFS L-s9.6 dual heavy laser turret, and it was outfitted with a KDY warhead launcher. The launcher could be fitted with concussion missiles, proton torpedos, or the mag-pulse warhead.
Not only did these TIEs carry heavier weapons, they also carried more systems. Showing once again that the First Order decided to ape the Empire’s design aesthetic without necessarily understanding the reasoning behind it. TIE/sfs were equipped with long-range class 2 hyperdrives and enough consumables for 5 days. TIE/sfs even had life support, for some reason.
TIE/sf History
The TIE/sf played a major role on the galactic stage when Resistance pilot Poe Dameron convinced a stormtrooper to abandon their post and the two fled in a TIE/sf. Though the TIE/sf was still connected to the ship by a supply cable, the TIE/sf managed to escape the ship before being almost immediately shot down again.
The distinct black paneling and laser turrets of the TIE/sf were also seen in the Battle of Takodana, where they leveled a castle before being engaged by X-Wings. They were also at the Battle of Kestro, where a TIE/sf was once again stolen. In fact, the TIE/sf seems to be one the most-stolen ships in all the galaxy.