Total War: Warhammer 2 – The Book Of Grudges Isn’t Big Enough For The Makers Of The Beardless Dwarves Mod

This may be the single most deeply cursed and hilarious mod yet. Thorgrim Grudgebearer is going to have his work (and beard) cut out for him.
You know how sometimes you can come across something that is both a gift and a curse?
That’s exactly what Total War: Warhammer 2 modder Okoii has come across with the release of a mod that borders on heretical. This mod is sure to resonate through the ages and offend even the Imperial Inquisition–and that’s 40,000 years in the future. What could this be? What is so deeply cursed and yet also the hero we need right now?
Total War: Warhammer 2 gets the best possible send-off with a new mod: Beardless Dwarves. Break out the Book of Grudges.
“The Ultimate Grudge, if this doesn’t put my name at the top of the Book of Grudges then nothing will.
What the mod do: All Dwarf Legendary Lords have had their beards removed, thus rendering them powerless and cold facially.”
The mod does exactly what you think it would. It removes the beards from dwarves. And the results are incredible. Just look.
Look upon Okoii’s works, ye mighty, and despair.
I don’t know about you but, I’d rather behold two vast and trunkless legs of stone than the colossal wreck of a beardless dwarf’s visage.
Without their beards it’s like… an ogre shrunk down to halfling size.
At any rate, you too can download this mod. But beware, doing so will surely get your name added to the Book of Grudges. And judging from these screenshots, pretty near the top.
Might have to start a whole separate volume just to contain the names of anyone connected to this. Which I guess includes BoLS, sorry Larry.
Add your name to the Book of Grudges by downloading the mod at the link below.
Download Beardless Dwarves for TW: WH2