Total War: Warhammer 3 – See Tsarina Katarin in action as Kislev Takes The Field
Total War: Warhammer 3 comes out in less than 3 weeks now. Time to plan out your first game. Here to help is Tsarina Katarin in action.
Total War: Warhammer 3 creeps ever closer. And today we’re taking a look at Tzaraina Katarin in action leading the Ice Court against the rebellions in Kislev. With the power of winter on her side, she’s got a lot going for her. But they must unite Kislev, which stands to shatter in the wake of the campaign’s inciting event. Take a look at how Katarin’s campaign begins.
Tsarina Katarin in Action
Things are off to a pretty great start for Katarin, it seems. We also get a look at some of her mechanics, including her spells:
As well as some of theĀ big siege battles you’ll fight in and around Kislev. Take a look at Tsarina Katarin in action in the middle of this massive melee.
In order to survive (especially with the press of Chaos) you’ll have to marshal your forces. Fortunately, Katarin can call upon the Ice Court to raise powerful leaders. Frost Maidens and Ice Witches answer her beck and call.
And she’ll need them, too. One of the biggest dilemmas in a Total War campaign–especially one as hero-focused as Total War: Warhammer 3, is that your amazing Legendary Lord/Doomstack can’t be everywhere at once.
In the sample video we see how thin Kislev’s forces can be stretched. They’re fighting themselves and Chaos. A losing combo. Even though Tsarina Katarin takes action to drive off both Skarbrand and Ku’gath Plaguefather, that’s an opportunity for Kostaltyn to grow stronger.
It’s a question of which foes you fight and how long you can hold out. Which defeats are crushing and inevitable vs. which can you rally into heroic last stands? That’s the thrill of a game like Total War: Warhammer 3. And seeing Tsarina Katarin in action is enough to make anyone sing the praises of the great Bear.