Warhammer 40K: Check Out The Purgator And Justicar From Chaos Gate – Daemonhunters

Complex Games revealed two new classes for the upcoming Warhammer 40K: Chaos Gate Daemonhunters – The Purgator and the Justicar.
Warhammer 40K Chaos Gate: Daemonhunters continues to impress. Earlier this week, Complex Games revealed more classes you’ll be able to give to your squad of Grey Knights. The new classes give your Grey Knights different abilities and weapon loadouts. It’s basically another way to customize your squad.
The more we see, the more excited I am for this game of 40K meets XCOM. Daemonhunters promises turn-based-tactics and destructible environments. And as you’ll see with the Justicar and Purgator, there’s a lot of emphasis on the destruction.
Justicars in Chaos Gate Daemonhunters
First up, the Justicar. These force blade-wielding warriors are all about hitting hard and fast and right up front.
Their abilities let them charge into (and through) combat, while wearing armor heavy enough to withstand the punishing blows of the Imperium’s foes.
They can bolster their allies with their combat experience too, making them an excellent anchor for any squad.
Purgators In Chaos Gate Daemonhunters
But if you want to bring out the big guns, you need a Purgator.
Purgators are all about heavy firepower. They hit hard, and they keep shooting. They can shoot down the Emperor’s enemies with ease. But they also have powerful psychic abilities. All Grey Knights do, to be fair. But Purgators can harry enemies with a blast of psionic light.
Or they can buff the ammo of their allies. Either way, you’ve always got the big guns when a Purgator is around.
Chaos Gate: Daemonhunters
Lead humanity’s greatest weapon, the Grey Knights, in this fast-paced turn-based tactical RPG. Root out and purge a galaxy-spanning plague in a cinematic, story-driven campaign, using the tactics and talents of your own personalised squad of Daemonhunters.
With a release set for 2022, this game can’t get here soon enough. We’ll be keeping a close eye on this one, so check back for more about these great Grey Knights.