Warhammer 40K: Free Space Marine Datasheets From Vigilus Alone

The Space Marine Heroes from Vigilus Alone are getting free datasheets for you to download!
Games Workshop is giving out the datasheets for the two new Space Marine characters in Vigilus Alone. If you were wondering how you can field these models in a legal Battle-forged list these datasheets are how!
“However, we’re so keen to see them hit the table that we’re also making their datasheets available to download right here – completely for free.”
Download the Datasheets Here
The datasheet also includes points for both of these models as well.
Captain in Gravis Armour
The Captain has gotten some new moves, too. Check out these fancy fighting styles:
That those extra attacks can really add up! It’s also a nice little boost for running the basic equipment instead of a relic weapon. I wonder if we’re going to start to see more options like that in the future for the “default” wargear options.
Primaris Ancient
The Primaris Ancient really didn’t change a whole heck of a lot. He just has the option for a Power Sword. But really, you’re running him for the Aura. Stick him next to your Core Units for the leadership boost — but mostly for the chance for them to go down swinging!
While these rules are free for all to download you can also score them in the Vigilus Alone book as well!
That Primaris Captain’s default weapons are sounding pretty spicy…