Warhammer 40K: Genestealer Cults Primus Got Some Upgrades

The Primus of the Genestealer Cults has received a few upgrades in the upcoming codex. Let’s see what’s new with the Patriarch’s right hand man.
When it comes to the Genestealer Cults they have a a trifecta of HQ options. There’s the Patriarch who’s the progenitor of the brood. There’s the Magus who’s the spiritual leader/religious figure. And then there’s the Primus – the one who gets their hands dirty and takes care of business.
Today, we’re taking a closer look at the Primus. Games workshop has dropped some new info on how this character has gotten so much needed upgrades in the new codex. These improvements should help him hold his own on the tabletop.
“He more than lives up to the whispered legends, having received a host of changes, including an extra pip of toughness, which should help when going up against hardy opponents such as the Adeptus Custodes Blade Champion. “
As you can see this cult icon has gotten some nice stat bumps. Aside from the toughness increase, he’s also hitting on 2s now. Furthermore, his weapons got a once-over, too.
“Alongside an improvement to his cult bonesword, both his scoped needle pistol and toxin injector claw retain their ability to wound non-vehicle and non-titanic units on a roll of 2+, regardless of their toughness, thanks to the samples of the Primus’ own virulent blood each weapon employs.”
That’s a potent little combo he’s got going on there. He might actually be a threat against the likes of the Blade Champion after-all…you just might want to send in some of the chaff to soften up the Custodes first. No seriously, that might actually be the way to do it thanks to his Meticulous Planner ability:
If you don’t have the AP to punch through the Custodes Armor, the second best option is just to force them to roll as many saves as possible. Re-rolling wounds of 1 is a good way to pick up some extra chances at bypassing their defences. Whatever your plans are, you’ll benefit from the Primus helping to coordinate their strikes.
Imagine boosting up two units Purestrain Genestealers before they go in for the kill. That’s certainly an option with the Primus around. Or again…send in the chaff.
It’s basically a “surprise, tarpit!” move. It’s not a bad way to prevent those pesky Custodes from plowing into your Primus (or other Cult leaders).
The Genestealer Cults are coming – What do you think of the new and improved Primus?