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Warhammer 40K: New Grand Tournament Mission Pack Is Shaking Things Up

3 Minute Read
Jan 21 2022

The new War Zone: Nachmund Grand Tournament Mission Pack is going to shake things up on the Matched Play front.

Get ready for some changes heading your way for Warhammer 40,000 Matched Play. The new Grand Tournament Mission Pack is changing the missions, objectives, list building, and deployment. Let’s dig into the changes and learn what’s coming soon.

via Warhammer Community

“The GT Mission Pack will be the bible for competitive play during the upcoming season of Warhammer 40,000, featuring everything you need to play on the most level strategic playing field. Here’s a round-up of the key changes.”

Grand Tournament Mission Pack Changes

Missions Reworked

To kick things off, all the missions have been “reviewed and improved” by Games Workshop. If you look closely, you’ll notice that each mission now has two primary objectives. You’ll also notice there are no secondary objectives listed. More on that below.

There will be a total of nine missions for each Incursion and Strike Force games. So you’ll have plenty of options when it comes time to throw down on the tabletop.


Secondary Objectives Updated

The way Secondary Objectives work has been completely reworked. Not only have a handful of them been adjusted based on feedback, how you select them has been revamped for the new Mission Pack.

“When players select secondary objectives, they must select three. At least two of these must come from this Mission Pack, while the third can be from their codex or codex supplement, for new layers of strategy.”

Games Workshop is releasing Secondary Objectives for a handful of factions that don’t have their codex yet. If you don’t have a new codex yet you can use the Secondary Objectives in the mission pack.


Keyword And List Building

Games Workshop appears to be taking another crack at “the soup” lists with another update to Keywords and List Building.

“The biggest change to list building are selectable sub-faction keywords such as <Chapter>. Originally these were picked on a unit-by-unit basis, so squads and Detachments could come from different subfactions. This selection is now made when you start to build your list, and the sub-faction you choose now replaces every example of that keyword – meaning your whole army now has to come from the same grouping.”

There are still some exemptions like a few named characters and the like. So armies like Be’lakor’s Daemons still work. This might take some adjusting if you were running a very mixed army. But if you were running an army from one faction then this shouldn’t change anything major for you.

Army Deployment

Fortifications are getting a big change with this one. Basically, the rules for deploying fortifications have been causing some issues vs the terrain placement rules. This change should allow players to actually deploy their fortifications now by removing one piece of terrain in your deployment zone. If you still can’t place the fortification then you put the terrain back and you can’t use it for that game.


Future Updates

Games Workshop also mentioned that the next Balance Dataslate is coming in February. It’s not going to be quite as sweeping as Chapter Approved changes but it’s still going to be important. We’ll have to wait until February to see what all GW has planned for that balance pass.


Anyone else curious about all those changes to the Mission Objectives?

Author: Adam Harrison
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