Warhammer 40K: New Plastic Aeldari Warlocks Inbound

Games Workshop has revealed a new plastic kit for the Aeldari Warlocks! Time to get up to some psychic shenanigans!
While this unit might not have been one we were looking forward to it is a welcome addition. The Aeldari are getting a new Plastic Warlock kit for all your Mind War games.
“Warlocks are Aeldari seers who have previously walked the Path of the Warrior and so find it easier to develop psychic powers suited to battle. These versatile psykers can join your army as individual Characters or form a full conclave to assist your Farseers, bolster your warhost, and wreak havoc on the foe.”
Those are some impressive looking Warlocks! If you look closely, you’ll also note the lower half of each model is different. But what could that mean? Is this not a single model kit?! The answer is: No. It’s not a single model — it’s a TWO model kit.
“These Warlocks come as a pair and can each be assembled with or without helmets, just like the new Guardian kit – great news if you don’t want your warriors to end up with helmet hair.”
That’s actually pretty cool! You’ll have lots of head options for getting just the right look. On top of that, you’ll have lots of different options for weapon loadouts and poses, too. You’ll be able to build the Warlocks with your choice of Shuriken Pistol or open hand. The kit also contains one Witchblade and a Shining Spear.
It’s cool to see how these models were inspired by the old art work and also the newer, existing model.
These new Warlocks will be reporting in soon. Stay tuned for even more Aeldari reveals as we get more Path of the Preview news from Games Workshop!
Trying not to get excited about the Aeldari Range update…and failing miserably!