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Warhammer 40K: Run An All Kroot Army With The New T’au Codex

3 Minute Read
Jan 26 2022
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You can run an entire army of Kroot Mercenaries in the new T’au Empire Codex…but why? Is it crazy enough to work?

Games Workshop has revealed the rules that allow you to run an all Kroot Army from the T’au codex and uh…it’s a thing that it technically possible. On paper, your basic Kroot Carnivore is not exactly striking fear into the hearts of Space Marines. But before we break this all down, let’s just take a look at the numbers and what makes this possible.

via Warhammer Community

“Kroot are tall, wiry warriors with the speed of a sprinter and the power of a heavyweight boxer. They wield their distinctive double-bladed Kroot rifles with quicksilver reflexes before carving up their prey for a spot of post-battle supper.”

They are movement 7″ which is actually nice. Thats some speed that could surprise folks. They do hit consistently in Melee and they are okay shots, too. Strength 4 is nice but Toughness 3 is a bummer especially with only 1 wound and a 6+ save. The 2 attacks in melee is better than some other T’au units.

Weapon wise, their shooting attacks are basically old school bolters without the AP. Or maybe they are stronger lasguns. Eh…unimpressive is still the word that comes to mind. The melee attack isn’t bad as it at least comes with -1 AP.

All Kroot, All The Time

What makes the all Kroot army a possibility is that in the new Codex Kroot Shapers are now HQ options. They even have 3 bespoke Warlord Traits they can use, too. On top of that, Kroot Armies (or Kroot Auxiliaries in your T’au army) also run in Kroot Packs. This helps them slot in a lot more units in a Detachment.


And you’re going to want a lot of Kroot in your army to take advantage of their new Ambushing Predators ability which is shared among all Kroot units now:

Another neat trick the Kroot can pull is that they can (eventually) gain a 5+ “Feel No Pain” style save. It just requires them to destroy an enemy unit…


I Root For Kroot

So will this army actually work?! Again, technically, it is an army that can be fielded. So it “works” in that sense. I also learned to never underestimate an army in 40k. I had a friend who made a terrible deployment mistake and lost before the game began vs a Kroot army. Always start with at least 1 unit on the board…

This wasn’t my friend, but the exact thing happened to him.


Anyhow, I don’t think an all Kroot Army is going to walk away from every game with a check in the “Win” column. But if you’re bold enough to try it…good luck to you.



The T’au Kroot Codex is coming soon!

Author: Adam Harrison
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