Warhammer: New ‘Heavy Scout Titan’ Revealed – Meet The Dire Wolf

Games Workshop has introduced a brand new Titan to the Grimdark Universe. Say hello to the Dire Wolf Heavy Scout Titan!
Adeptus Titanicus is getting a brand new Titan to the game and while it’s a based off the smaller Scout Titan don’t call this up-gunned Warhound tiny. The Dire Wolf swings well above its weight class.
“Is that a Warhound? Is it a Reaver? No, it’s a Dire Wolf Heavy Scout Titan, an all-new variation of the Warhound Scout Titan with a big old extra gun right above the cockpit.”
Check that puppy out! Based on the chassis of the Warhound Titan, the Dire Wolf is still a whopping 17 meters tall. It’s still fast and agile (relatively speaking of course) but it’s packing a massive carapace mounted weapon system.
The carapace mounted weapon system can either be a Volcano Cannon or it can be the newly introduced Neutron Laser. It also supports twin Ardex Defensor Mega-Bolters.
“These diminutive bad boys pack a far heftier punch than their two-gunned cousins, though at Scale 6 they’re the same size. Their chassis have been modified to stabilise a heavier payload, with flatter feet and more armour plating. Likewise, the void shield generators have been moved to accommodate the big new guns.”
That Neutron Laser packs a punch! In any case, this new Dire Wolf Heavy Scout Titan is coming to Adeptus Titanicus later this year. And I wouldn’t be too surprised if Forge World has plans to bring it to the 40k scale of things either…
What do you think of this new Heavy Scout Titan?