Age of Sigmar: 3 Amazing Units In Updated Beasts of Chaos

Thanks to White Dwarf, the Beastie Boys are seeing one hell of a resurgence.
Well here we are, the last week of February with an updated Beasts of Chaos army courtesy of White Dwarf. While these updates are usually relatively minor, the love heaped on the Beastmen was fairly substantial.
What was once an army guaranteed to get you laughed off the tournament scene has become a potential contender. Even without combo cheesing, the new army can tussle with the best of them, and frankly, as a BoC lover it’s about time. While not all of the units saw a massive value increase, the updated Herdstone rules are pretty nasty. Even the loss of battleshock immunity seems paltry compared to the board-wide Rend increase for all Beasts, allowing even the humble Ungor to become a threat. Here are three units that I think are even more incredible now in the new BoC meta.
Dragon Ogor Shaggoth
The big man of the Beasts book has never been a slouch, but the new rules make him a veritable monster. Because of the Rend buffs, Dragon Ogors are nastier than ever, and the Shaggoth is exactly the force multiplier they need to turn up to 11. Boasting area denial, spellcasting, and some nasty attacks, this hairy hero will definitely earn the ire of more than a few opponents. For my money, the Sundering Blades spell is now almost game-breaking, increasing your already potent Rend to unsightly levels. Throw it on a unit of Bullgors and watch the fur fly. And speaking of the Chaos Cowboys…
The Bullgors have always been a staple of successful Beasts lists, even if they weren’t the primary units. Thanks to the impact hits provided by Broken Realms, the Bulls could almost point and delete anything they wanted to with Great Weapons. However, with the new Rend rules, an argument can be made for the dual axe option. One more attack with re-rolling 1s that still deals decent damage and Rend is pretty scary, and actually does MORE damage against light targets. My advice is to mix and match units, letting your big axe boys take out elites and smaller tough units and letting the double axes hit tarpits and chafe.
The big bull on campus got even nastier with the update. Alongside an increased Rend for all his attacks, the Ghorgon and all the other BoC monsters snagged a few unique rampages. The Ghorgons is one of the nastiest, increasing its Rend by an ADDITIONAL point and healing the beastie if (when) it slays models in combat. There’s almost no reason not to run one of these now, maybe even two, and it will more than earn its points back.
Bonus: Daemon Prince of Khorne
He isn’t a Beast so he doesn’t benefit from the Herdstone buff, but you want to bring this particular breed of Prince along for his command ability. There is a brand new Grand Strategy that you can score by protecting your Herdstone, and the DPoK can slow down enemy charges, potentially miring them down an extra turn. This is also helpful with ambush delivery, since you can keep your enemy away from your vital bruisers until THEY are ready to charge. Not an auto-include by any means, but worth considering.
What units do you think scored big in the new update?