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Age of Sigmar: Fyreslayer Runes Are Getting A Boost In The New Battletome

2 Minute Read
Feb 10 2022

The Fyreslayer recently got a new hero but that was just the start. Ur-gold Runes are about to get a nice boost in the new battletome.

Fury of the Deep introduced a new hero for the Fyreslayers. The new Auric Flamerkeeper introduced some new Masterflame Rune powers to the game. However, it seems that Games Workshop had more planned for these firey berserkers. The new Battletome is going to feature some upgrades to their current runes as well as a new action that a hero can take.

via Warhammer Community

“Ur-gold runes are tattoos of mystic metal, crafted by expert Runemasters and hammered directly into the skin. This bodacious body art is imbued with Grimnir’s essence, and when Fyreslayers enter battle – as they often do – they can awaken their ur-gold runes to claim the power of a fallen war-god.”

Time To Get Lit

The Fyreslayers are getting a new action called Blaze of Glory. This allows them to receive the benefit of the Fyreslayer rune’s enhanced effect regardless of what you rolled on the dice.

Before we go further I’d just like to say that I’m a fan of how this is implemented. I like the fact that his is a new action that your heroes can take. It gives the Fyreslayers access to something different while presenting the player with a choice. You’ve got these cool rune powers you can use or you can use a standard hero action. There’s a trade-off and that makes it more interesting and I hope GW adds more of these special heroic actions to the game.

Anyhow, the action itself can be pretty potent. Especially combined with the new rune upgrades.


The Fyreslayers have access to a 6+ ward now and the hero version goes to a 5+ ward. And that’s just the defensive rune…

That’s some scary mortal wound generation there. It’s on the 6s to wound but that stacks with the Berserker’s Flamestrike Poleaxes. Those cause mortal wounds on 6s to hit!

You can bet your Ur-gold that there are going to be more changes ahead in the Fyreslayer Battletome. Be prepared for these angry Duardin!



They’re coming for your Ur-gold!

Author: Adam Harrison
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