Age of Sigmar: Monster Mash 2 – Beach Episode

It’s the Age of the Beast, and the two upcoming factions are celebrating in style.
The brand new Idoneth Deepkin and Fyreslayers will be with us in no time, and they’re bringing an lot of bang along with them. We’ve already seen some really awesome previews, and there’s no doubt that the remaining contents of the book will be even better. However, we are in the Age of Ghur, and monsters are king, so we have to talk about the big guys on campus in both books. Both the Deepkin and the Fyreslayers have some massive critters that march to war with them, and in the style of Dragoncast, they are bringing them in droves. Here’s a quick review of the awesome monsters in each tome, what we know so far, and why you’ll definitely want to invest in a few.
Ah yes, the almighty Hurtle, flying through the air with the greatest of ease and decimating the enemy lines. Thanks to the new battletome, Idoneth armies can now take this mighty creatures as battleline, meaning you could essentially have an (almost) full army of turtles plodding across the battlefield. Once they do get into combat, they can become a real terror for your opponent thanks to the unique monstrous rampage of the Nautilar subfaction, which increases their Rend to -3. Judging by how deadly the Jaws and Fins of this creature used to be, it’s not far off to assume this will delete enemy monsters or blocks of chafe from the battlefield in seconds. Just cross your fingers your opponent doesn’t have a ton of mortal shooting (looking at you Kruleboyz).
This one has a special place in my heart, because a Magmadroth was the first AoS model that I painted back when the last Fyreslayers update dropped. The fiery lizards have always been one of my favorite models, and thanks to the updated Lofnir rules, they can now be taken as battleline! Since it’s their Runeson variety, unless drastic changes have been made, that means I could have an army of living cannonballs careening into the enemy line that deals mortals back on damage and just generally makes a glorious mess of things. GW also treated us to an updated Roaring Fyrestream ability, which can shoot up to 10 times and can be charged for a turn to melt even the strongest armor. I’ve been a Vostarg player for as long as I’ve been playing, but I’ll be the first to admit…this might change my tune.
What updates are you looking forward to?