D&D: An Adventurer’s Guide To Asmodeus

Asmodeus, Lord of the Nine Hells, Prince of Evil, is an ancient, powerful archdevil, who may be older than even the Nine Hells.
When it comes to devils, no name is more feared or revered than Asmodeus. The Prince of Nessus, Asmodeus is the undisputed master of the Nine Hells. For a name so widespread and well-known, much of who Asmodeus actually is, is shrouded in mystery wrought from lies. Rumors and whispers and deceptions are the order of the day for Asmodeus.
Asmodeus’ Appearance And Form
Even Asmodeus’ appearance is false. He appears as a horned, red-skinned humanoid with red eyes. Always finely dressed, tall, thin, and beautiful. However, his true form is entirely different. His true form is a massive scaled serpent, hundreds of miles long. It is wounded (as though from a fall). Asmodeus closely guards both the location and nature of his true form. Not even the Lords of Hell have seen his true nature.
It is whispered that any who discover Asmodeus’ true form are hunted and killed within a day. However, if this is true, how did these rumors come to pass?
Soft-spoken, articulate, and confident when speaking through one of his many avatars, Asmodeus has a reuptation for being a master tactician and schemer. His plans often take even the lifetimes of dragons to be realized. Foes of the archdevil often find themselves playing right into his hands, doing what he wanted even though it was their own idea.
Depending on who you ask, Asmodeus’ goals include growing his power, fending off the schemes of the Archdevils of the other eight hells, or attempting to dominate the multiverse.
Asmodeus’ Abilities
Asmodeus is the most powerful archdevil in the Nine Hells. He is the undisputed master for many reasons, including abilities that rival the powers of the gods.
Magic and mind control come as second nature to him. He is capable of telepathy and can call upon any devil in the Nine Hells at any time. He is powerful enough to have slain gods–the city of Abriymoch in Phlegethos is said to be the grave of a god who fought with Asmodeus.
But it isn’t just combat prowess that makes Asmodeus powerful. He can promote any devil to the status of archdevil, even transforming non-devils into an archdevil. This is how Zariel was given dominion over Avernus.
He is also said to have the power to alter the truename of any devil or being of law and evil, and every drop of his spilled blood creates a greater devil.
And yet, for all that is known about Asmodeus, who he truly is is shrouded in myth. The one thing that is commonly agreed upon is that whatever he was in the beginning–a cosmic serpent, a primordial entity older than the gods, a powerful exarch who rebelled against a deity, a servant of the overdeity who sought freedom–at some point Asmodeus fell from grace. Literally and metaphorically.
Whatever the case, Asmodeus is a powerful figure unlike almost anyone else in the multiverse.
Happy Adventuring