D&D: Critical Role Is Doing An Elden Ring One-Shot Next Week

Critical Role might be taking this Thursday off, but next week fans get a look at an Elden Ring one shot featuring some surprising guests.
Elden Ring releases later this week. Coincidentally I’m going to be out sick Friday on entirely unrelated business. But phoning in to work isn’t the only way people are celebrating the release of this highly anticipated video game. Hailed as a worthy successor to the Soulsbornes Die Twice franchise, Elden Ring promises open world fantasy RPG goodness.
And literally everything we’ve seen about it makes me excited to dive into the world. Designed with George “See What Happens When You Rush The Ending” R.R. Martin, Elden Ring’s world is ripe with details and lore.
And while we’re all awaiting Vaatividya’s deep dive into the reason you’ll cry when the boss whispers “Fransuelo, forgive me” as it dies, there’s even more opportunities to explore the world. Next Tuesday, Matt Mercer gathers together an incredible group of talented folks to play a one-shot inspired by Elden Ring.
Elden Ring One Shot
As they announced earlier today on Critical Role’s Vox Machina, next week will be a special one-shot, sponsored by Bandai Namco, that takes place in the world of Elden Ring. What that means exactly, is anyone’s guess. It’s not likely we’ll see the Dark Souls RPG at work here, since the two are wildly different games. But I’d bet anything on 5th Edition.
Here’s a look at the announcement.
Next week is a little different so enjoy a preview!
Elden Ring One-Shot
Tuesday, March 1st at 7pm Pacific on Twitch and YouTube – Rebroadcasts Wednesday, March 2nd at 12am Pacific and 9am Pacific on Twitch – VOD on YouTube Thursday, March 3rd – Podcast on Tuesday, March 8th
Join us for a one-shot inspired by the highly anticipated action-RPG Elden Ring, sponsored by our friends at Bandai Namco! Matthew Mercer will serve as game master for a fantastic group, including our very own Marisha Ray and Sam Riegel, as well as special guests Krystina Arielle, Brennan Lee Mulligan, and Alexander Ward!
If you are unfamiliar with the guests, let’s fix that. Krystina Arielle you will recognize most recently from the High Republic show talking about all things Star Wars High Republic. Alexander Ward is a vampire, both in the By Night worlds and probably in real life. And Brennan Lee Mulligan is the CEO of Tide, Oreo, and the GM of most of Dimension 20’s livestreamed shows, including A Starstruck Odyssey.
Check it out, you won’t want to miss it!