D&D: Magic Hat Trick– Five Magic Hats For Your Magic Head

D&D is crammed full of magical items, and none are as powerful or as stylish as the ones for your head. But what’s the best D&D magic hat?
If there’s one thing popular culture has taught us, it’s that every season is the season for magical hats. Some magic hats determine whether you’re brave, smart, evil, or useless. Other magic hats can give life to snow-based inanimate objects.
Whichever hat you wear, ’tis the season.
You can see the slow horror turning into resigned, gleeful acceptance of mediocrity.
And D&D is no different, with its bevy of impractical magical items that you are just expected to put on your head like it’s no big deal. That’s despite the fact that it’s full of enough magic to generate a fireball (and potentially an astral rift). While we’re all pretending everything is fine, we’re taking a look at some of the finest D&D magic hats.
Circlet of Blasting
Speaking of dangerous magic items kept right next to some of your most vital organs. The Circlet of Blasting might be unsettling, but it lets you cast scorching ray once per day at a +5 bonus on the attack roll, so you can blast your foes with some extra oomph from this simple metal ring full of fire.
Hat of Disguise
Perhaps my personal favorite D&D magic hat is the Hat of Disguise. It lets you cast Disguise Self as well. In the hands of the right person, this q means there’s no end to the number of trouble you can cause (and escape from). Disguise Self is a heck of a spell, and at will, it’s basically game-changing.
Helm of Telepathy
What is it about magic hats that enables players? The Helm of Telepathy lets you use detect thoughts as will, giving you access to surface thoughts and all kinds of useful information. But there’s more, while you’re focusing on someone with detect thoughts, you can also cast suggestion once per day.
Headband of Intellect
This D&D magic hat is fun for players, as it sets your Intelligence score to 19 while you’re wearing it–but it’s even better for DMs, who can use this to give all kinds of animals (everything from giant frogs to tyrannosauruses, which is a weird set of bookends, I admit, but here we are) a sudden boost of intellect, which can make for the most unlikely NPCs or villains.
Ioun Stone
What’s only thing better than a hat? A hat you can wear floating a foot or three from your head! Or a lazy orbiting magical hat that gives you everything from armor class to saves to spell absorption. What D&D magic hat is your favorite?
Happy Adventuring!