D&D: Meet The ‘Dark Souls’ RPG Classes – All Ten Of Them

Don’t worry, you can play Dark Souls as it was meant to be: nearly naked and Deprived. Here are all ten of the Dark Souls RPG Classes.
Steamforged Games pulls back the curtain on character creation in the Dark Souls RPG. Over the weekend, they gave us a look at all ten of the Dark Souls RPG classes.
Each one is pulled straight from the game. Including the hardest possible starting class: the Deprived. Yes, in the Dark Souls RPG, one of the many classes you can pick is a nearly naked survivor with aught but a loincloth.
Why would you? Because you’re not a scrub. Because you don’t want to cheat the game and cheat yourself. But for the rest of us, there are nine other classes in the Dark Souls RPG. Each one has been lovingly adapted from the controller-smashing Dark Souls series. Let’s take a look at where every game of the Dark Souls RPG begins– character creation.
Character Creation in the Dark Souls RPG
At least half of the fun of any RPG is creating your character. And with the Dark Souls RPG poised to bring bleak brutality to 5th Edition, character creation takes on a whole new meaning.
But you won’t start by picking a Dark Souls RPG class. You’ll start with an Origin.
Origins in the Dark Souls RPG fill in most of the character creation. You’ll pick from one of four Origins:
- Brute
- Fencer
- Jack of all Trades
- Caster
Which conveniently enough correspond to most of the D&D archetypes in one way or another. You can see the difference between a Finesse Weapon fighter and a Great Weapon Fighter in Brute and Fener.
Jack of all Trades is obviously your Rogue/Bard types. And Caster has magic. Though the Dark Souls RPG not only has new classes but a new magic system as well.
However, each of these Origins gives you your base stat line. In addition, they also help create the fragments of your character’s past, and the motivation that keeps you going beyond death after death.
The Dark Souls RPG Classes
Okay but what are the new character classes? There are ten all in all. And these are liable to be familiar to you if you’ve ever played Dark Souls.
The first of the Dark Souls RPG classes is the Knight. Just like the Knight is the first of many Dark Souls playthroughs, so too is the Knight a powerhouse in the RPG.
They’re straightforward. They have armor, a sword and shield, and are champions of whatever cause.
The Mercenary is all about dual-wielding. Why use a sword and shield when you could use two weapons? This feels like a more agile class. You’ll rely on your ability not to get hit to save you.
Meanwhile Assassins are, well, exactly what you think. They strike hard, strike fast, and most importantly strike first. Then an Assassin vanishes into the shadows.
In-game they belong to a hidden order. And will probably deal scads of damage to finish off opponents from the cover of stealth.
The Warrior is the two-handed weapon fighter of the game. Relentless and powerful, what they lack in subtlety they make up for in brutal, staggering attacks.
Every RPG needs a Thief. As a master of stealth, you’ll stay unnoticed until it’s too late. It’ll be interesting to see if they go for up close back-stabbing or hidden arrows. If you want treasure, play a Thief as your Dark Souls RPG class.
Want to play a Paladin-alike? Try the Herald. Capable of wielding magic and melee weapons, these soldiers of the ancient faith bring peace and wreak retribution.
You know what a Cleric is by now. You’ll have access to Miracles, which pass for Divine Magic in the Dark Souls RPG. It’s a pretty one-to-one translation.
Sorcerers, on the other hand, have powerful magic. They hurl spells at distant foes and hope that armor clad allies keep foes from getting close.
Pyromancers, on the other hand, tap into the single most fundamental essence of the world. Their fire magics touch life and death alike. It’s a powerful metaphor in Dark Souls. And in the Dark Souls RPG, this class will be interesting.
And of course there’s the Deprived. Deprived are the Dark Souls RPG class for players who want to start with nothing and earn everything they get. If they can survive long enough to do so.
Check out the Dark Souls RPG on Steamforged Games
Happy Adventuring!