Goatboy’s Warhammer 40K: Grey Knights Rhino Swarm

Goatboy here with a list to let the Grey Knights survive all that T’au Empire firepower. Let’s roll for the Emperor!
Whoo-boy the new T’au are going to do a number on anyone not riding in a vehicle. It seems if you have boots on the ground you will get pounded by the T’au offense no matter how many wounds you have. This leaves me thinking that if T’au stays the same, other armies will have to adapt or die in a barrage of bullets. Thus my thought is that in order to survive the onslaught, the humble Rhino is going to be making a comeback.
The updated army building for Matched Play did a number to the Grey Knight army by removing the ability to take multiple Brotherhoods. This means removing some of the play they had with more than one Dreadknight and mixed “powers” to push specific builds. Things like Rapier assault options with Sword Bearer Dreadknights. Of course, with this change, it means you have to adapt. So I’ve thrown together the following list to try and get something to work.
Grey Knights are one of the only armies that allows their jump units can ride in a cheapish Transport vehicle. This can be huge as you can push the Rhino forward, and create a central base. Then have units that can jump out 15 inches to provide firepower as needed. Plus you also get some vehicles that can create some much-needed moveable walls.
Rhino Rush Grey Knight Style – V1
Battalion – 0CP
Brotherhood – Rapiers
Crowe – Warp Shaping, Purifying Flame – 80pts
Grandmaster in Dreadknight Armor – Warlord – Inescapable Wrath, Unyielding Anvil (-1CP), Nemesis Greatsword, Psilencer, Psycannon, Relic – Sigil of Exigence, Gem of Inoktu – 230pts
Strike Squad X 5 – 110pts
Strike Squad X 5 – 110pts
Strike Squad X 5 – 110pts
Inceptor Squad X 10 – 260pts
Inceptor Squad X 10 – 260pts
Nemesis Dreadknight – Nemesis Greatsword, Psilencer, Psycannon, Dreadknight teleporter – 195pts
Nemesis Dreadknight – Nemesis Greatsword, Psilencer, Psycannon, Dreadknight teleporter – 195pts
Nemesis Dreadknight – Nemesis Greatsword, Psilencer, Psycannon, Dreadknight teleporter – 195pts
-Dedicated Transport-
Rhino – 80pts
Rhino – 80pts
Rhino – 80pts
Pts: 1995 CP: 11
Rolling Out for Titan!
This is a pretty simple list with 3 Rhinos to protect your small stuff. The 2 Strike squads go into Reserves and the one is on the table with Crowe in a ride. I went with Crowe as he is a cheap HQ that can do damage plus he can pop out of the Rhino and go to town. If you don’t want him you could always go with a Techmarine to fix up your Dreadknights. Of course, you could go with some cheaper double Patrol option. That lets you drop a Rhino and a Strike Squad to get a few more HQ’s if you want. But this sample list is a simple single Battalion.
Armies have to change with incoming codexes, so finding ways to protect your damage dealers will be important.
Plus – we all have some Rhinos laying around on dusty shelves – right?