Goatboy’s Warhammer 40K: Planning Your Winning Tabletop Strategy

With the new missions out you have to rethink how your army plays to ensure you can win a game or two. Here’s how to think out your winning tabletop strategy.
With that primary points going down and extra “bonus” points not always being relevant to your army you have to put a lot more effort in your secondaries. It is just the nature of the game and will push a lot of armies to update their lists to ensure they have access to relevant points during a match up.
A lot of these missions seem to point to needing more troops or at least more objective secured options. Is this a good thing? Well sure if it is attached to something that can be deadly too. There are few armies that have this and a few armies of renown attached to this option to help get things along. This again is important becasue a lot of the missions let you try to do an action for a win. But being a troop or objective secured ensures the action happens. I know most players don’t like to leave the ability to score points to chance so having some things in your army will be important.
Or at the very least you need to find things you can do. Without having to worry about setting a bomb, investigating something, or pulling a rabbit out of a hat to score some points. I expect a lot of Imperium armies to find space for some kind of Inquisitor. They will help interrogate the enemy as a method to earn some points. You do lose the ability to race Grey Knights or Thousand Sons. But I get the feeling they’re are going to have a rough time with the upcoming Tau, Eldar and Custodes books. It makes it harder to rely on giant baby carriers as they face down waves of no LOS T’au shooting.
How Is Your Specific List Build To Win?
First things first – figure out how your armies needs to win. Does it play cagey and score points by moving all over the table? Does it punch your opponent in the mouth and dare them to move towards the center? Is it a cautious beast that waits patiently to counter punch? Do you need it to hit and cripple a leg or two to allow the win? Does it grind the game out with waves of enemies to hold all the pieces?
Know Your List’s Weak Spots
Or is it an all comer list that can morph as needed to take on your opponent as they present themselves to you? We all know those players that bring lists that can only work one way. If you see one, disrupt their plan, and you wreck their gameplan. How many times do you see a buddy crushing people because they always just come at them and let the army respond? Think ahead on how your army can win and what it will have trouble facing. These thought experiments are a great way to prepare yourself for what potential tough match-ups. Or at least let you quickly figure out what you have to do and where you have to go during a game.
How I Put It All Together – Goatstyle
I know I am an aggressive player so punching quickly is what I like to do. If I can control the first 3 turns it only leaves 2 turns for an opponent to win so maybe I can out race them or steal a few points at the end. It’s how I run most of my lists. I will probably continue to do so, as forcing backfooted bad decisions is a side effect. This give me a chance to win with nonsense like the Space Goats or other aggressive strategies. Patience isn’t what I desire and getting things moving ensures has benefits. We can finish the game quick enough to leave some time to get a drink, grab a snack, and chat a bit about life.
Not long now… BRACE FOR IMPACT!
These next few weeks I plan on getting my Adeptus Custodes golden boys working again. So I have to rethink how I want to try and win with them. Thankfully they do enjoy a punching style. So I’ll see if I can find the sweet spot with the list and Shieldhost to ensure I have all my options to win a match up. Of course this might all get thrown out as I await the wave of Fragmented death and Eldar no LOS nonsense coming in these next few months.
How do you game out your turn by turn strategy when you hit the table?