Lancer RPG’s ‘Field Guide: Liminal Space’ Introduces Twenty-Seven New Mechs

Field Guide: Liminal Space adds twenty-seven new mechs to the Lancer RPG, and it’s Kickstarting now. If you love mechs, check it out!
Have you played Lancer yet? If not, you should. It’s got all the crunch and tactics you’d want out of a good mech game. And it has all the flexibility of a dedicated community and an RPG open-license. What does that mean, exactly?
It means that, though Lancer’s original creators, Massif Press, are taking a temporary hiatus, 3rd party producers can step up to make their own books/supplements/what have you for the game. And step up they have. Today we’re looking at Field Guide: Liminal Space, a new supplement for Lancer from Diamond Recreational Studios.
Field Guide: Liminal Space will add three new mech manufacturers and eight new frames to the game. As well as a host of new NPC types, lore, and more. If you haven’t played Lancer, this means that players are going to have a lot to chew on with this book.
The core rules for Lancer feature 29 different mechs made by four manufacturers. Field Guide: Liminal Space will add almost 30% more mechs. At the same time FG:LS expands the rich universe of Lancer. With what? Well, take a look.
Field Guide: Liminal Space – Kickstarting Now
Liminal Space is a third-party supplement compatible with the incredible Lancer RPG published by Massif Press. It concerns itself with organizations and people that are between – that are trying to start a new life, who are trying to change because they cannot continue as they are, who live on frontiers and border-places, the folks laying the tracks in front of themselves as they go as well as ancient political powers devouring their own unwholesome wrath to become something new and terrible. It contains:
– Three new mech manufacturers, complete with eight frames each, core bonuses, flashpoints, and information on how they rise from and fit into the setting of Lancer. Each has been made with the other two and core Lancer content in mind, and are ready to hit your table alone or together!
– A sprawling list of eighteen new NPC types running the range of; Artillery, Biological, Controller, Defender, Striker, and Support classes, to face in battle and challenge your players with.
– New Agartha Station, a Blink Station run by Magnum Opus Interstellar whose crew and support staff are a nation unto themselves
And all of this is just the start. With the campaign already past their funding and initial stretch goals, there are even more frames on the horizon.
- $5,000: Our base goal to make this project happen.
- $7,500: At this stretch goal we will procure additional art assets for the entire book
- $10,000: At this stretch goal we will be offering print copies of the project(Shipping not included)
- $15,000: At this stretch goal we will be offering 6 additional alt frames!
- $17,500: At this stretch goal we will be offering 3 more alt frames
- $20,000: At this stretch goal we will partner with Retrograde Minis to have our frames made available for purchase for use with their service
- $25,000: At this stretch goal we will include an additional manufacturer in the book, as well as on Retrograde Minis!
- $30,000: A mystery awaits…
Back Field Guide: Liminal Space today!