‘Multiverse of Madness’ Trailer 2 Breakdown– Character Cameos, Evil Alternates, & Ancient Monsters

Doctor Strange fans got a brand new trailer last night. After multiple rewatches, here’s our Multiverse of Madness trailer 2 breakdown.
The Super Bowl had plenty of exciting moments for people who aren’t even the faintest bit interested in sportsball. Chief among them was a brand new trailer for Doctor Strange and the Multiverse of Madness. Now with more monsters!
After an inordinate number of watches on 25% speed, we’re ready to run down everything we saw in the second trailer for the upcoming film. Check out our list below and let us know if we missed any details or Easter Eggs.
Strange’s Dream & Broken Reality
The trailer begins with Stephen Strange’s own voiceover discussing a recurring dream he has every night. In the dream, he stands outside of the ruins of the Sanctum Sanctorum surrounded by skulls and human bones. As the doors open up, they reveal only the inner staircase floating in space.
The scene itself could be from Strange’s dreams, or it could be some multi-dimensional spot colliding with the world. When Stephen wakes up, we get the impression that the magic he performed at the end of No Way Home had an effect on him internally as well as the world around him.
Once again, we see Stephen’s broken watch. Only this time, the face is no longer just an allegory for his broken hands, but now a broken multiverse as well.
The trailer also gives us a look at Strange trying to fix his past mistakes using the Darkhold. But he apparently can’t un-spill that milk, because Wong tells him he can’t control everything. Which, as we know, is a big character struggle for Stephen Strange.
We also see the city crumbling around Strange. While this is similar to what we saw in What If…? episode 4, it’s a little different. The city looks to be crumbling apart by its building blocks rather than turning into a black goo of nothingness. Apparently, breaking a fixed point and the magic Strange used in No Way Home have slightly different deconstructive properties.
America Chavez & the Multiverse of Madness
The trailer also gave us plenty of Miss America Chavez. Her first appearance in the second trailer shows her held captive by some sort of multidimensional monster. It’s unclear if Strange meets her at this moment or this is later along in their team-up. But we’ve seen stills of her alongside Christine opening doors to the multiverse in this trailer and the first one.
One of my personal favorite quick-peeks during this trailer is when she and Strange go all cube-y while passing through dimensions. In the first dimension, we see a giant dinosaur. Are Strange and America Chavez falling through the Savage Land?
We also catch a glimpse of Kamar-Taj, the land where the masters of the mystic arts undergo their training. Over the city looms a giant black cloud, and we get a look at the city’s inhabitants looking on.
Among them is Rintrah, a minotaur-like creature from the planet R’Vaal. Since he’s hanging out in Kamar-Taj, it’s likely he’s begun his apprenticeship. it’s unclear if he’ll play a role larger than ‘onlooker’ in this story, but in the least, it’s a nice call-out to fans of the comics.
Mordo, Charles Xavier, & the Illuminati
At the end of the first Doctor Strange, Mordo promised Stephen that the bill would come due. The film’s post-credits scene showed him stealing magic from other users in order to restore what he thinks is the natural balance of the world.
Now, it appears that he may be part of a team that captures Strange and intends to try him for his crimes. Mordo uses the term “desecration of reality”, and to be honest, he has a valid point.
In the trailer, we also see Stephen bound with some kind of magical handcuffs. He’s being led through a large hall by a bunch of Ultron-looking robots– a fascinating call-out to the now-dead Tony Stark.
Strange is led into a big room full of chairs on a platform, and there are people silhouetted on the stage. And sitting in these chairs? Well, we can’t see who’s there, but we certainly hear one of them speak.
And doth mine ears deceive me? No, I could never forget the voice of the incomparable Patrick Stewart. But does that mean– GASP! One of the people on that stage is likely Charles Xavier suggesting to the group that they tell Stephen the truth.
If Xavier is one of the high-ups making big decisions for the multiverse, does that mean Marvel is introducing the Illuminati? If so, who will replace T’Challa? And Tony Stark? And will this be our first glimpse of Reed Richards or Prince Namor?
Does The Multiverse of Madness Feature a Wicked Wanda?
With each trailer, it becomes more clear that Wanda will play a huge role in the upcoming story. But will she play two major roles in the new Doctor Strange movie?
In her peaceful hideaway, Wanda tells Stephen that Vision had lots of theories about the multiverse, mostly that it was dangerous. It took a super-smart synthezoid to tell you that?!
Anyway, it’s clear from this trailer that there are two versions of Wanda. One is cracking, likely falling apart due to some multiversal entanglement or paradox. In one scene, she wipes a tear away from the face of another Wanda, dressed fully in her Scarlet Witch garb.
This Scarlet Witch looks like she’ll go head-to-head with a flying, powerful someone. While it could be America Chavez, it also doesn’t not look like Carol Danvers. It’s hard to tell.
Regardless, this sassy-Scarlet Witch points out to Stephen in another scene that he has broken the rules of reality but he’s still lauded as a hero. But it seems like anything she does causes her to be framed as an enemy.
We get the impression that this Wanda is leaning hard into the chaos energy. And with her power level, this will only serve to complicate the situation. Still, I’m thrilled to see what Wanda makes of the Multiverse, especially now that there’s mutant potential on the horizon. Plus, a dimension-hopping Wanda might get to walk out of this movie with versions of her sons, Billy and Tommy.
Sinister Strange
We also get another look at a character the subtitles call Sinister Strange. When he appears, he says that things just got out of hand. And yeah, it looks like it. But who else is in the room with regular-Strange when bad-Strange appears?
Another quick clip shows Sinister Strange pulling a monster mash with many creepy arms and hands plus a monster face. Now, I’m still not convinced this is the same Strange from What If…? episode 4. That Strange is supposed to be guarding Zola vs. Killmonger and their infinite battle for the Infinity stones.
However, if this is that Strange, Christine appears to be marrying someone else in this film. How is Stranger-Darkly gonna take that?
Shuma Gorath, Gargantos, Whatever.
When the trailer opens, the Marvel Studios logo features tentacles in the background. Well, this trailer gives us a full delivery of the one-eyed tentacled monster known as Shuma Gorath. Or, wait, is it Gargantos?
Either way, it looks like this fight scene will be a big feature of the film. We’re already getting jazzed watching Wong deliver some whoop-ass to this giant ancient evil being.
Oh, speaking of Wong, the trailer shows a glimpse of Wong calling for help and dangling off the precipice of something, probably reality.
Let’s Talk About That Multiverse of Madness Poster
Okay, kids, get out your magnifying glass and brighten your screen. If you look down below in the right-hand corner, you can barely clean a fragment of glass featuring a shield. Whose shield might that be?
Well, it’s traditionally the Captain Britain shield. But since this story is chock-full of references to Marvel’s animated series What If…?, dare we hope to see a live-action appearance from Captain Peggy Carter herself? If Sinister Strange really is the same character as the dark-Strange we met in What If…?, Peggy may be our last hope for talking him down.
Did we miss anything? Do you have any theories about the upcoming Multiverse of Madness? Sound off in the comments below!
‘Doctor Strange and the Multiverse of Madness’ premieres in theaters May 6th.