Now Kiss– Five Fandom Ships That Should Have Been Canon

Sometimes even a character’s creator misses the mark on their ideal romantic match. Tragically, these fandom ships never got to set sail.
Ships are a wonderful thing. Sometimes they allow us to see relationships that don’t make it into mainstream media, like queer love or polyamory. And sometimes they’re just a way to wake up everyday and subtly choose violence (looking at you, people who ship Rocket Raccoon and Bucky Barnes).
Some ships are so popular that the creators pay attention and they become canon. But not every character meets such a pleasant fate. In fact, there are plenty of fictional relationships that shouldn’t have happened. Hook and anchor to your belt because it’s time to take a look at the ships that never had the opportunity to sail.
5. Remus Lupin & Sirius Black
The Harry Potter universe is rife with relationships that should have happened, and a few that really don’t make sense. It’s easy to wax romantic about characters that should have been together, but the friendship between Sirius and Lupin makes more sense when you consider the possibility that there were romantic feelings between them.
Many fans site Lupin’s deep grief after the death of Sirius as a subtle confirmation that the two were romantically involved. In The Prisoner of Azkaban, Snape remarks that the two “quarrel like an old married couple,” and honestly we can’t help but agree.
4. Sam & Frodo
Tolkien’s series of books didn’t really put much emphasis on romance. After all, who has time to think about love when you’re fighting for the fate of an entire world against an evil flaming eye-monster?
Still, Sam & Frodo’s love is greater than friendship and romance combined. The sheer devotion these two have for one another speaks to the ultimate purity of Hobbits as a race. Talk about #relationship goals; get you someone who looks at you the way these two Hobbits look at each other.
3. Zutara vs. Kataang
I’m about to say something really controversial but also really brave; both of these ships can sail together. Because if this isn’t a perfect setup for some kitchen-table polyamory, I don’t know what is. The level of communication these characters develop as teenagers is top-tier ethical non-monogamy.
Fans have been on fire about Zutara since Katara used the spirit water to try healing the scar on Zuko’s face. And while the love of Katara and Aang is sure and strong, the steam between Katara and Zuko doesn’t have to evaporate. Aang is a free-thinker, and incredibly emotionally intelligent. Accepting that love isn’t a finite substance seems completely on-brand for the empathetic airbender.
2. Steve Rogers & Bucky Barnes
This one’s hard because I love me some Cap & Peggy, and I don’t know if I’m a Stucky forever person. But do I believe that there’s more to their early friendship than the 1940s allowed them to explore.
Of course, bisexual Captain America has been a fan-favorite before the MCU was even a thing. I mean, the all-American hero being queer is a beautiful way for queer people to see themselves in our favorite heroes. But once Chris Evans and Sebastian Stan brought these BFFs to the screen, it was all over the fandom. These two were giving off heavy boyfriend vibes, and their devotion to one another speaks to the kind of love that epic poems are made of.
1. Finn & Poe
Romance in a galaxy far, far away is a rough go. If you manage not to accidentally kiss your sister, you might be paired off with someone who’s destined to be seduced by the Dark Side.
The franchise has a history of pairing people together with limited or no chemistry. But you know who has enough chemistry to power the Death Star? Finn & Poe.
This relationship has some signature romantic moments. First, Poe gives Finn his name. And there’s definitely something high-school romance about Finn wearing Poe’s jacket. And these two do such a great running hug, the fact that it never ended in a kiss is truly a crime.
From the moment these two locked eyes, it only felt natural that they should end up together. But noooo, these two guys were robbed of the opportunity to be the Galaxy’s OTP. Slapping a Rose on it and waving Rey and Kylo Ren in our faces doesn’t make the real love go away, Star Wars!
I will never forgive Disney for launching the torpedo that sunk this ship. And I will take this grudge to my watery grave.
Which couples do you think should have been canon? Tell us down below in the comments!