That Time the ‘Star Wars’ New Republic Tried To Make A Star Destroyer – The Nebula-Class Breakdown

The New Republic tried to make a Star Destroyer. It’s goofy. Come see for yourself as we break down the Nebula-class Star Destroyer.
Star Destroyers have long been the realm of the Galactic Empire. These mainstays of the Imperial Fleet have driven a giant, triangular wedge across the galaxy. The sheer firepower of an Imperial-II class Star Destroyer, the unstoppable might of an Executor-class. These vessels bring might and terror wherever they go.
But there was a time that the New Republic tried to build their own version of a Star Destroyer. The result? The Nebula-class Star Destroyer, a smaller, wedgier vessel. Let’s take a look.
Technical Specs
The Nebula-class Star Destroyer was designed by the Republic Engineering Corporation. Weighing in at only 1,040 meters long, a Nebula-class vessel is only about 65% the size of an Imperial-class Star Destroyer. But don’t let her size fool you. The Nebula-class Star Destroyer was designed to take out Imperial Star Destroyers.
The Republic Engineering Corporation made use of the angular design and reinforced armor to mount serious firepower. These ships would come to be diminutively named “pocket Star Destroyers”. But they were more than a match for even an Imperial II.
A Nebula-class Star Destroyer typically carried 40 heavy turbolaser batteries and 40 turbolaser cannons. It also sported 20 ion cannons, 8 tractor beam projectors, and 8 assault concussion missile tubes. Each of these guns were mounted on the four directions of the ship: fore, aft, port and starboard.
In addition, a Nebula-class Star Destroyer could carry up to sixty starfighters. These cruisers often carried K-wings, E-wings, A-wings, and upgraded X-wings. Backing all of this up are the 1,600 troops each Nebula could carry.
The History of the Nebula-Class Star Destroyer
But how did the New Republic decide to emulate the ships of their greatest enemy? It all starts shortly after the fall of Coruscant. The New Republic recommitted itself to producing new vessels to combat Imperial Remnants. The first Nebula-class Star Destroyer entered service in 15 ABY. However, this was the most peaceful year since the founding of the New Republic.
But the Nebula-class vessel has its origins in the Defender design program. Shortly after the fall of Coruscant, the Republic Engineering program was commissioned to transform the Republic-class design into a smaller, more agile hull.
The Defender met significant delays caused by the campaigns of Grand Admiral Thrawn, but, in 15ABY the Nebula-class was complete.The first of these ships was named the Obi-Wan, after the Jedi of the same name. The Obi-Wan was commanded by Captain Whyrrryk, a Wookiee whose reputation preceded her.
One small Star Destroyer, one giant leap in continuity.