Star Wars: Who is Baby Yoda – The Grogu Breakdown

Everyone knows the real draw of his show The Mandalorian is, in fact, the little Baby Yoda—but who is this mysterious Grogu?
The Mandalorian is (mostly) an amazing show. It restored the joy of Star Wars for many and has shown us all The Way. At the heart of this show is the relationship between the titular Mandalorian and the small green “Baby Yoda” he picks up along the way. But as the story progressed, it quickly became clear there was—and maybe still is—more to Grogu than meets the eye.
So who is the Child?
Baby Yoda’s Name is Grogu
The Child, or as most of the world knows him, Baby Yoda, is actually named Grogu. He was born in the year 41 BBY and raised on Coruscant at the Jedi Temple.
Grogu managed to survive the Clone Wars—despite being an infant at the time of the attack on the Jedi Temple after the execution of Order-66. The Book of Boba Fett includes a flashback of Grogu witnessing some Jedi, and presumably his master, being killed by Clone Troopers. We’re given the impression that they are memories he’s suppressing by choice.
Little else is known about how the child escaped the Great Jedi Purge. The infant later wound up in the hands of a Nikto mercenary encampment on Arvala-7, a remote desert planet in the outer rim. It’s also home to everyone’s favorite blurrg herder, the Ugnaught Kuiil.

The Mandalorian
It was there that the Mandalorian bounty hunter, Din Djarin, found Grogu. He was collecting on a bounty from an Imperial Remnant faction led by Moff Gideon and contracted by The Client, whose name is probably just Space Werner Herzog. Working together with the assassin droid IG-11, the Mandalorian took down the mercenary encampment and rescued the child.
After two seasons’ worth of adventures with his new dad, Grogu was finally returned to his own kind. In this case, that’s the Jedi and not Yoda-Yaddles. Grogu trained with Luke Skywalker as the first student of his new Jedi Academy. And for a time, his training goes well.

Grogu & The Force
Grogu, like both Yoda and Yaddle, shows remarkable Force sensitivity. He’s able to move things telekinetically, heal injuries, and create defensive barriers. And, of course, choke people with the Force’s crushing grip. While Luke doesn’t want to nurture all of those tendencies, there is a strong connection to the Force with Grogu’s nurturing.
Under Luke’s care, Baby Yoda learns—or re-learns—key Force abilities. But it was clear that The Child’s heart wasn’t in it, and he’d rather be elsewhere in the galaxy. When given the choice between the Mandalorian’s adventures or taking Yoda’s lightsaber and training to be the galaxy’s next Jedi Knight, Grogu chooses Din.

But his training was not for nothing. No sooner reunited with Din than he is using the Force to dismantle droids and calm a raging Rancor.
What Was Next For Baby Yoda?
Now that Grogu and Din are reunited, they’ve been traveling the galaxy as the Mando does Mando things like learning about other Mandalorian sects and traditions and visiting the Mandalorian home world, Mandalore. Only now they’ve shifted fully into the parent and child relationship, making both even more protective of the other.
We’re also slowly learning what the rising First Order wants with Grogu. And most indicators seem to point to using his DNA for a cloning process. Since we have the benefit of knowing what happens in the sequel movies, it’s likely that they’re attempting to clone the Emperor. A move we know will have mixed success at best.
Who Is Grogu’s Biological Father?
Both of Grogu’s biological parents are unknown. And because of the nature of how Jedi younglings are found and taken from their families for training when they are very young, it is likely we will never know who his biological parents are. It’s also probably not terribly important to the story.
Why is Grogu Special?
By the time The Mandalorian takes place, there are few survivors of Order 66 remaining. So as a Force-sensitive youngster who was trained in the Jedi temples, Grogu is a rarity. He’s also very strong in the force despite not having any training or seemingly having practiced in many, many years. And, it’s unknown if there are any more of his species in the galaxy.
Is Grogu Actually “The Mandalorian”?
Maybe! But also, maybe not. He’s considered a Mandalorian Foundling thanks to his familial relationship with Din Djarin. But the title can just as easily be referring to Din himself. Or Bo Katan. Or legendary Mandlorian Jedi Tarre Vizsla. The title is a little vague, and will likely remain that way.
Why Did Luke Skywalker Stop Training Grogu?
In Book of Boba Fett, we see that for a little while, Luke did train Grogu. But as is the Jedi way, Luke wanting the youngster to give up his attachments—specifically his attachment to Din. This was something Grogu was not willing to do, and so he decided to return to his travels with Din, forgoing continuing his formal training as a Jedi.
Will Grogu Become a Jedi or a Sith?
At this point, it’s unlikely that Grogu will become a Jedi. He’s not interesting in giving up his emotional attachments and training with the only known Jedi Master.
But I also don’t think it’s likely that he would become a Sith. He just doesn’t seem that interested in any of the power that the Sith path offers. It’s more likely that he’ll be a more like Ahsoka Tano throughout much of the animated series—a gray-leaning, unaligned Force sensitive who does their own thing.
May the Force be with you, adventurers!