Star Wars: This Cad Bane Cosplay Needs No Introduction

This Space Western Gunslinger is here for hats and shooting… and he’s all out of hats. Check out these Cad Bane Cosplays!
The 501st Legion is known for their meticulous, screen-realistic Cosplay creations. Since their creation, their love and dedication to the craft of embodying the best traits of the Star Wars Galaxy of characters. This week we’re here to celebrate the on-screen appearance of a beloved Bounty Hunter in the Book of Boba Fett with these Cad Bane Cosplays.
Cosplay by 501st Legion Member BH-60576
The 501st Legion has an excellent array of Cad Bane Cosplayers. Each boasts its own unique sculpt for his characteristic red-eyed stare, which (SPOILERS) appeared in this week’s episode of Book of Boba Fett. As Star Wars fans everywhere lose their minds over this exciting development in the franchise, we’re celebrating some really epic Cad Bane cosplays.
Cosplay by WulWhite
Cad Bane Cosplay by 501st Legion Member BH-60576
“Nice hat. Where did you get it?”
(kills him, then turns to Obi-Wan/Rako Hardeen)
“What are you looking at? It’s a nice hat.”
Cad Bane Photo by 501st Legion Member SL-26272
“I don’t like to hide under a helmet.”
Cad Bane Cosplay by 501st Legion Member BH-3667
“Young Skywalker. Not so impressive without your lightsaber are you, Jedi?”
Cad Bane Cosplay by 501st Legion Member Javiar Calamaro
“Well, Hutt, it doesn’t look like prison had to adverse an effect on you.”
Cad Bane Cosplay by 501st Legion Member BH-52073“I’ve taken down so many clones over the years. Once you figure out one, the rest are easy.”
Cad Bane by WulWhite
“I’d be careful where I was sticking my nose if I were you.”
“By hook or by crook… You’re coming with me.”
“Cad Bane at your service. I’ll take on any job…for the right price.“
“Cad Bane, who needs no introduction.“
“I’m listening.“
~Join us next week for more Cosplay Coverage~
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