Star Wars: X-Wing Get A Major Rules Update And Points Changes

Star Wars: X-Wing squadron building is getting some MAJOR changes. Get ready to rework your squadrons for the new system.
Atomic Mass Games has made some huge changes to Star Wars: X-Wing. The big news is that they have redesigned how the squadron building works in to a different system. The days of 200 points squadrons has ended. We’re down to 20 points of ships. That might not sound like a lot but with how you build the squadrons, it makes a ton of sense.
The first big change is the reduction in points sizes. The game has moved (back) to smaller points for the ships themselves. Here’s the explanation from Atomic Mass Games:
So the total number of Squad Points you can have in a list 20. The minimum number of ships is 3 and the max number is 8. Most ships fall somewhere in the 3-5 point range but there are ships that are as cheap as 2 and some that are even more than 5.
“But what about the granularity of ship building?! Wasn’t the whole point of going to 200 points so that folks could have a better idea of the value of things?” Yes, that was indeed the point. However, with the additions of scenarios to the game and the way the points for an upgrade could change from ship to ship it got a little too complicated. Specifically for new players. AMG goes into more detail in their article, and you should certainly read that for more info into the “Why” of it.
For now, let’s take a look at their solution to the question of “granularity” in list building:
The answer is a new pool of points per ship: Loadout Value. This allows you to customize a ship further and as long as you stay within the Loadout Value, it’s a legal ship to use in your games. This separates the upgrades from the ship value and allows to retain granularity by having two different pools of points to spend.
Furthermore, the ships themselves may have also been tweaked here and there. You might find that higher point costs ships might have higher Loadout Values, too. Or extra slots for mods or torpedoes — you get the idea.
Ideally, these changes are in place to help players with list building. They should make squadrons easier to build and allow you to create squads that can handle the various scenarios that were added to the game. Obviously the points have all been updated and you can find links to that below. Also, check out their Documents Page for even more details for the update to X-Wing.
Good Luck out there, Aces! It’s a new era of Star Wars: X-Wing!