These He-Man Cosplays Have The Power

By the Power of Greyskull, we bring to you these mightiest of muscly He-Man cosplays.
Masters of the Universe was a classic cornerstone of 1980’s pop culture. We ’80s kids grew up in the midst of the Sword-and-Scorcery heyday, binging on shows like Thundercats and movies like Red Sonja and Conan the Barbarian. Today, we’re here to celebrate the best of He-Man Cosplays.
He-Man Cosplay by Demitrius Holt, image by
The Power of Greyskull runs strong in these cosplays. Every year the representation of #28DaysofBlackCosplay gets stronger, and every year the cosplays get more epic. This month we’re celebrating some fierce, gorgeous, and powerful cosplays– none better suited than these He-Man cosplays.
He-Man Cosplay by “The Beninator” Benjamin Alan Dickinson
I’ve been noticing in the last few years an uptick in baddass bodybuilder and athletic cosplayers. There’s a ton of cross-promotion from sports like wrestling and rollerderby that lend themselves to the theatrical nature of cosplay. It takes hard work and massive dedication to create art with your body, and these cosplayers do an outstanding job of it.
He-Man Cosplay by KnightMage
I particularly love that cosplay lends itself not only to photo-realistic recreations of characters, but is also inclusive of all body-types, genders, and ages. It doesn’t matter who you are, how skilled you are, or what resources you have… Cosplay is for EVERYONE, and everyone should be celebrated when they share the love of their fandoms.
We hope you enjoy these seriously dedicated He-Man cosplays! And remember folks… All cosplay art is fan art!
Hilarious (and accurate) He-Man Meme by KnightMage
He-Man Cosplay by Demetrius Holt
(Image by Thru The Eyes of Aitch Photography)
“Alright you overgrown teapot, let’s finish this.”
“Anything you can pitch, I can hit back.”
“I feel the boney finger of Skeletor, don’t you, Battle Cat?”
“Evil can often look attractive. That’s why we must be careful. You’re not the first to be fooled.”
“Cringer became the Mighty Battle Cat, and I became He-Man the most powerful man in the universe.”
(Image by Thru The Eyes of Aitch Photography)
“Only a few others share this secret… Our friends: The Sorceress, Man-At-Arms and Orko.”
“Together we defend Castle Greyskull from the evil forces of Skeletor.”
He-Man and the MASTERS OF THE UNIVERSE cosplay, seen at Blerdcon!
Videography: Legend of Micah
He-Man = Hellspawned Cosplay
Skeletor = The Smoke
She-Ra = Lynne Marie
Man-At-Arms = Sutton Richard
Orko = Scorpking Costuming
Music = “Greyskull” by Petal to the Metal
He-Man Cosplay by Alicia Marie BODY
“You risked your life to warn me.”
He-Man Cosplay by KnightMage
“Well, I think it’s called ‘courage’.”
“As long as we’re here, lets pay Skeletor a visit.”
“You’ll feel better after this. [points the Sword of Power at Cringer, transforming him into Battle Cat]”
“Now for Skeletor.”
“Never! Give me that magic staff of yours.”
“Ah, I’ll see that they get back to the palace. Besides, there’s something else you can do. I have Beast Man and Evil-Lyn locked up inside the cave.”
“I was hoping you’d say that.”
“Skeletor and Beast Man. No wonder these caves are overrun with pests.”
He-Man Cosplay by “The Beninator” Benjamin Alan Dickinson
“Have you seen Stanlan? He’s been captured by Skeletor.”
“Skeletor is not the most honest man on Eternia.”
“Let’s go, Battle Cat. Quickly but gently.”
“Maybe if I can hold the center of the Palace, I can stop the whole thing from shrinking.”
“Aw, you mean you’ll write to me from the prison mine.”
“You know, television is not the only way to be entertained by an exciting story. There is another way. It’s called ‘reading’.”
“We’re in sort of a rush, swamp-breath. Maybe we could play this game later?”
“We all do, Subternius, freedom is our greatest gift.”
“A hard lesson for sure, but you learned it well.”
~Join us next week for more Cosplay Coverage~
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