This Final Fantasy XIII Lightning Cosplay Serves Epic Sparks

Alyson Tabbitha is at it again with this gorgeous Final Fantasy 13 Lightning Cosplay transformation!
Final Fantasy XIII’s Lightning is one of the most popular heroines of the Square Enix catalogue. She was the first Final Fantasy character to be given her own multi-game feature, and the first video game character to become a high fashion model! This week we’re here in tribute of the legendary hero with this Final Fantasy 13 Lightning Cosplay feature!
Final Fantasy Lightning Cosplay by Alyson Tabbitha
It’s easy to see why Lightning (also known as Claire Farron) gained the attention of Luis Vuitton. With her signature pastel pink hair, piercing blue eyes, she certainly captures attention. Lightning not only has a unique costume in the game, she later earns some fierce (and fabulous) armor that calls back to the Legend of Dragoon games.
Final Fantasy Lightning Cosplay by Alyson Tabbitha
This week we’re pausing to appreciate once again the sheer volume of Alyson Tabbitha’s cosplay prowess. This lady is an artist with an extraordinary talent for manipulating her features to look uncannily like the characters she cosplays.
No matter the character, she finds a way to make you doubt your eyes- she looks so much like the character that at times you cannot tell who’s real and who is cosplay! She has done it once again with her Lightning Cosplay, and even went so far as to recreate her daily look AND her armor. Enjoy this fantastical Final Fantasy 13 Lightning Cosplay!
Final Fantasy Lightning Art
Final Fantasy 13 Lightning Cosplay Armor by Alyson Tabbitha
“And I became Lightning. I thought by changing my name, I could change who I was. I was just a kid.”
“Lightning. It flashes bright, then fades away. It can’t protect. It only destroys.”
” If they only knew a l’Cie was the one filling their glasses!”
“You were there too, Fang. Same side, all of us. Together to the end.”
“You don’t believe in anything. You gave up on life before you were even born. Sat poisoning Cocoon from the inside, waiting for someone to come and destroy you.”
“Sure, you think the end of the world is salvation. All you care about is death’s release. So take it, and leave the rest of us alone. We don’t think like that. When we think there’s no hope left, we keep looking until we find some. Maybe Cocoon is past saving, but it’s our home. And we’ll protect it or die trying! We live to make the impossible possible! That is our Focus!”
Final Fantasy XIII Lightning Cosplay by Alyson Tabbitha
“You want “quiet”, you better take the next train.”
“I was just like you. My parents died. I had to be strong for Serah, so I thought I needed to forget my past.”
“Serah tried to tell me, but I wouldn’t listen. I threatened her. The only one who believed her was Snow.”
~Join us next week for more Cosplay Coverage~
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