Warhammer 40K: Aeldari Aspect Warriors Are Deadlier And Tougher Than Ever Before

Aspect Warriors of the Aeldari are about to get a big boost in power with the new codex. Come see what they can do now!
Aeldari Guardians might be the backbone of the army but Aspect Warriors are the ones to call in when you have a specific task to complete. These specialists are all about different varieties of making war. With the new codex they are each going to be able to do their jobs even better than before!
” Not only do the Phoenix Lords support their archetypal disciples with potent inspirational auras, these champions of the craftworlds are simply stronger and tougher across the board.”
Better Than Ever Before
What is one way to give all Aspect Warriors a blanket boost? Give them an invulnerable save across the board.
Yep. Every single Aspect Warrior unit now has a 5+ invulnerable save. Except Crimson Hunters…because Fighter Jets. That should help keep these models on the tabletop for even longer now. And yes, that’s not just Howling Banshees and Dark Reapers — Dire Avengers to Warp Spiders are going to have that 5+ invulnerable! And that’s just the start…
We got a look at the Shuriken rule and found out that the Guardian version was already pretty good. Seems the Dire Avengers didn’t want to get one-upped by their militia.
Assault 3 with an 18″ range and -2 AP isn’t too shabby! Plus 6’s to wound are even more likely to punch through armor. Oh and Battle Focus on top of all that, too — don’t forget! This does push the Dire Avengers into Elite category though. Sorry, they aren’t Troop slots now, but it’s also about time! The good news is that if you do take their Phoenix Lord they gain the Objective Secured ability.
Burninators, Fire!
The tank hunting Fire Dragons get a bump in Toughness to 4. But that’s not the only stat that got updated for these armor melting flame-spitters.
These Fusion Guns are always on max damage and have a strength of 9 now. And if that’s not enough for you, they also re-roll 1s to wound vs Vehicles and Monsters! A unit or two of these are going to have every multi-wound creature in the game concerned…as it should be.
Warp Spiders also got a nice boost to their Death Spinners. More potential shots, higher AP and the Blast rule will make quick work of any light infantry they are targeting for destruction.
“This short range can leave Warp Spiders open to a retaliatory charge – so they’ve taken extra time to practice acrobatic Battle Focus moves with their jump generators, rolling twice as many dice as normal to ensure they’re far out of the enemy’s reach.”
Rolling double 1s on that move is going to be bad for one of your Warp Spiders.
So that’s the new Aspect Warriors! Are you ready for their new update on the tabletop?