Warhammer 40K: Aeldari Corsairs Are The Most Interesting Part Of The New Codex

Move over Ynnari, there’s a new faction to get excited about – Aeldari Corsairs!
The Aeldari are getting a new codex soon. It is going to be a doozy, a truly massive book. Among other things in the book, it’s going to include rules for some Aeldari Corsairs, and they’ve immdeantly jumped out as the most interesting part of the book. Lets look at why.
The History of Aeldari Corsairs
Corsairs, piratical bands of Eldar, are in effect the OG Eldar faction. Dating way back to Rogue Trader, they predate the idea of Aspect Warriors and the like. They are The Elder Eldar if you will. Eventually their army list got replaced by what we know as the Craftworlds and Dark Eldar. They still hung on for a little bit popping up in dark corners of the rules of lore, but were no longer in the spot light.
Much like Harlequins and Exodites, Corsairs were considered a lost Eldar army. Harlequins of course made their return, and Corsiars also had a short run as a Forge World army. This army however has also gone the way of the old Eldar Empire. Until the other day the return of Corsairs was just a dream.
The Aeldari Corsairs Return
This all changed the other day when GW announced that Corsairs are getting new models. Now lets temper that a little bit. It does not appear they are getting a new army or army list. Instead they are getting a Kill Team unit. However this unit will also have rules in the new Aeldari Codex, making them 40K legal. What kind of rules they will get is unclear. It appears likely they will just be a single unit. Possibly a unique unit, or more likely an elite unit. Maybe a character. It’s unclear if they will get any army options. Stratagems, Warlord Traits or other rules are beyond us for now. But we do know they are making a return to the core army and that’s exiting.
Something New
A few months ago I said we needed a combined Eldar Codex. It looks like that is pretty much what we are getting, so I’m happy someone listened to me. What I didn’t think would happen is that Corsairs would be included in the combination. I think overall they are the most exciting part of the new book and rework. Unlike most of the other models, which tend towards resculpts that don’t always deviate much from the old models, these are totally new. This is a totally new unit and new sub-faction sure to bring interesting rules.
It’s also notably something to build off of. One unit now can became more over time. The introduction of them in the book now could lay the groundwork for a full Corsair army in the future. Aesthetically I think Corsairs play really well in the Ynnari theme of mixing stuff from the Eldar factions and will work really well in those armies. After such a long time its nice to see something that breaks the traditional Eldar molds the way the three Ynnari models did. Overall this is an exciting addition to the army and one I hope to see much more of in the future.
Let us know what you think of the new Corsairs, down in the comments!